Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Are The Signs Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Causes Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Despite considerable research, the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome remains unknown. Controversy exists as to whether there is a single cause or many causes and whether the cause is physical or mental, but either way the symptoms are very real to the person.

Some researchers believe the syndrome ultimately will prove to have several causes, including genetic predisposition and exposure to microbes, toxins, and other physical and emotional factors.

Definition Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a complicated disorder that is characterized by an extreme and unusual feeling of fatigue and tiredness that does not go away with rest. Rather, it lasts long, limiting your ability to do ordinary daily activities.

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS should not be confused with general exhaustion and fatigue that can be generally associated with a cause in other words it has no specific cause. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis , systemic exertion intolerance disease , chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome and also post-viral fatigue syndrome .

Signs You Have Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as CSF, is a complex illness that affects approximately 17 to 24 million people each year. It can cause a wide array of symptoms, which can vary from person to person.

CFS is more than just being tired. It involves a feeling of ongoing fatigue, feeling unrefreshed even after sleeping and a variety of symptoms that worsen after physical activity. Myalgic encephalomyelitis, or CSF, cannot be diagnosed with a blood test. Diagnosis is made based on a persons symptoms, overall presentation and exclusion of other illnesses.

While some people who have CSF rely on medical modalities and treatment to alleviate their oftentimes painful symptoms, others may use a more holistic approach for symptom management.

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My Top Ten Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Warning Signs Of Impending Crash

In the world of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there are crashes and there are crashes. Some lift within an hour. Some linger or deepen for days, weeks, months. Years. No telling in the beginning whether it will be hard or mild, short or long. So each downturn needs to be treated with care, like the potential plague it is.

I’ll try to describe my experience with my own personal gauntlet of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms when they begin to swarm.

1) Brain fog

Though “brain fog” is the term usually employed for this, really, “fog” is not an accurate description. That sounds … quiet … restful … or at least blank. What I get isn’t foggy. It’s neither quiet nor restful. And it certainly isn’t blank. It’s a kaleidoscope of images and thought fragments jitterbugging and flickering through my head.

Can’t finish the thought I started. Can’t remember the beginning of the thought I just started …

2) Vertigo

Not just dizziness, I’ve discovered. Vertigo is a hallucination of the inner ear. The body’s messaging systems are confused. I’ve tasted many flavors of vertigo. When the room starts lurching, that’s vertigo. When I feel like my head’s going to roll off, that’s vertigo too. When I can’t tell if I’m going to bump into the wall, and have to plant my feet to keep from swaying, I am havin’ some vertigo.

3) Vibrating

4) Breathing problems

5) Orthostatic intolerance

6) Tinnitis

7) Swollen glands

8) Visual disturbances

9) Fine motor lack of control

The Possible Impact Of Me/cfs On The Family

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Overview and More

A child or adolescent affected with ME/CFS presents challenges for the entire family. The challenges are similar to those faced by families of children with other chronic illnesses such as leukemia or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, but with the additional challenges of widespread disbelief in the authenticity of the illness, the pervasive social stigma associated with a diagnosis of ME/CFS and a paucity of medical professionals who are knowledgeable about the illness.

In our experience, the majority of families draw on their strengths. The parents are usually able provide the necessary care, and siblings learn to cope with diminished parental attention. When families cope well with their childs illness, the risk of emotional damage to siblings is minimized.

Research has shown that siblings of young patients with ME/CFS are more anxious than normal adolescents. Siblings identified factors having a negative impact on their lives, as lack of knowledge about the illness, change in their role in the family, lack of communication within the family, new restrictions placed on family life, change of parental focus, emotional reaction to having a sick sibling, and the social stigma of being the sibling of a young person with ME/CFS. Communication within the family, social support and extra activities were found to have a positive impact .

Helpful strategies to support the family can include:

Participation of both parents in the evaluation and management of the patient.

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What Is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that causes you to feel so ill that you cant do your normal activities. Sleeping problems occur along with extreme fatigue that doesnt get better with rest. Any kind of activity often makes your symptoms worse. You may have other symptoms like problems with thinking.

Forms Of Oi In Me/cfs

Orthostatic Hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension is defined by a sustained BP reduction of at least 20 mm Hg systolic or 10 mm Hg diastolic during the first 3 min after assuming an upright posture . This problem is rarely seen in children except at times of febrile illness, acute dehydration, hemorrhage, adrenal insufficiency, excessive histamine release, or as a response to certain medications.

A more common pediatric variant, termed initial orthostatic hypotension , is characterized by a transient drop in BP immediately after standing, but resolving within 60 s. Its recognition requires a continuous beat-to-beat BP measurement device. The diagnosis is missed by standard, automated sphygmomanometer measurements . Although this is not usually a condition that requires clinical treatment, chronic orthostatic symptoms in those with IOH have been reported , suggesting that they can develop other orthostatic abnormalities on more prolonged monitoring.

Postural Tachycardia Syndrome

Postural tachycardia syndrome is increasingly being recognized as the most common form of OI in pediatric ME/CFS. As is the case for pediatric ME/CFS, postural tachycardia syndrome is more common in females than males, is more common after the onset of puberty, and often follows an apparent infectious illness .

Neurally Mediated Hypotension

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How Is It Diagnosed

To be diagnosed with ME/CFS, you must have all of these symptoms:footnote 1

  • Major decrease in your ability to do the things you did before you got sickincluding work, school, social, or personal activitiesthat has continued for more than 6 months.
  • Worsening of symptoms after being mentally or physically active .
  • Sleep problems, including not feeling rested after sleeping .
  • Extreme fatigue that is:
  • New or has not been a life-long problem.
  • Not caused by being active for a long period of time.
  • Not much better after resting.

You must also have one or more of these symptoms:

  • Problems with concentration, short-term memory, or using the correct word .
  • Feeling dizzy or faint while standing or sitting upright that gets better when you lie down .

Doctors may also use a variety of tests to confirm a diagnosis or to rule out other conditions.

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What Can I Do To Manage Covid

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

People always want to know how long postCOVID-19 fatigue lasts. The answer is, doctors dont currently know. It can be weeks or even months.

The best thing you can do to manage COVID-19 fatigue is to practice self-care and be kind to yourself.

Here are some tips from the United Kingdoms National Health Service on how to take care of yourself while you heal.

In the interim you might want to:

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What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

  • Take along a list of all the symptoms you are experiencing in case you forget some of them during your talk with the doctor or nurse.
  • Talk about how much you can do at work or school and around the house.
  • Ask if there are any financial supports or services you could apply for.
  • Ask for help with pain, sleep and remaining active if these are problems for you.
  • Ask about what you should be eating.

Other Signs And Symptoms

A host of other signs and symptoms may be seen with chronic fatigue syndrome. All of these symptoms are non-specific for chronic fatigue syndrome. Therefore it should be considered along with the excessive fatigue, unrefreshed sleep, joint and muscle pain, enlarged lymph nodes and reddish mouth discoloration in order for it to be correlated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The other signs and symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Sensitivity to noise and light
  • Muscle weakness and poor coordination
  • Lightheadedness

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Prevalence And Clinical Features

It is difficult to establish the prevalence of CFS, since it depends on the diagnostic criteria used and the study population. Initial research suggested a prevalence between 0.002% and 0.04%. . However, latest epidemiological studies in the USA and in the United Kingdom show prevalence rates ranging from 0.007% to 2.5% of the general population. These rates increase up to 0.5-2.5% when the population assessed includes individuals seen in primary care facilities instead of the global population. In the United Kingdom, according the Oxford criteria , the prevalence in the global population has been estimated in 0.6%. In Japan the prevalence has been found to be 1.5% in the general population. Thus, the prevalence in the general population appears to be much higher than previously indicated. Even with strict criteria for CFS, it is estimated that approximately 1% of the adult population experiences this condition. Interestingly, a large part of this group remains unrecognized by the general practitioner. A striking similarity in lifestyle pattern between SF, CF and CFS calls for further research.

CFS mainly affects young adults from 20 to 40 years, although the symptoms also exist in childhood, adolescence and in the elderly . It has a 2-3 times higher prevalence in women than in men. No evidence exists showing that any socio-economic group is more affected than others .

What Can I Do To Cope With Me/cfs

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Talking about your feelings with a friend or family member can help. Sometimes it also helps to talk with people who are going through the same thing. Consider joining an ME/CFS support group. See the “ME/CFS Organizations” section at the end of this fact sheet for a list of organizations that offer additional information on ME/CFS and can help you find ME/CFS support groups.

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What Are The Symptoms Of German Measles

The symptoms of German measles are often so mild that theyre difficult to notice. When symptoms do occur, they usually develop within two to three weeks after the initial exposure to the virus. They often last about three to seven days and may include:

  • pink or red rash that begins on the face and then spreads downward to the rest of the body
  • mild fever, usually under 102°F

When Should I Call The Doctor About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People seek medical care when the fatigue and cognitive difficulties of chronic fatigue syndrome affect their quality of life. People who have questions about a particular treatment should contact a qualified health-care provider, local medical society, or university medical school for additional information.


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Severe Or Very Severe Cfs/me

If you have severe or very severe CFS/ME, you will need more frequent reviews and increased support and care. You should also be referred:

  • To a physiotherapist or occupational therapist working in an CFS specialist team for support on developing energy management plans.
  • To a dietician with a special interest in CFS.

The process and pace of any CBT should be adjusted to meet your needs. This might include shorter, less frequent sessions and longer-term goals.

What Is The Outlook For Someone With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The long-term outlook varies quite a bit. There may be times when your symptoms are not too bad and other times when they flare up and become worse. However, many people improve over time and some recover well. Children and younger people have a better rate of full recovery. Early diagnosis and treatment may lessen the impact of the illness. The important thing to remember is that this is not a progressive or life-threatening disease and that for many people full recovery is possible.

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Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome An Infection

Chronic fatigue syndrome is not an infectious condition. In fact the exact cause of CFS is unknown. It was thought that chronic fatigue syndrome may be a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus which is responsible for infection mononucleosis .

Read more on infectious mononucleosis.

However, it is now believed that chronic fatigue syndrome is more likely to be a complication following a viral infection. Other theories have also been postulated as a cause of CFS, including immune system disturbances and even nutritional deficiencies. Chronic fatigue syndrome could triggered be a combination of all of these factors.

How Is Me/cfs Treated

Right now, there is no cure or FDA-approved treatments for ME/CFS. But, there are things you and your doctor can do to help ease your symptoms. Because the symptoms of ME/CFS vary from person to person, the management plan you discuss with your doctor may look very different from the plan of another person with ME/CFS.

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Signs Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome You Should Not Ignore

If you experience extreme fatigue that doesnt improve with extra sleep and rest, you may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Usually, the disorder develops slowly and is accompanied by other unexplained health problems. Here are some symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome as featured in Readers Digest:

  • Sleep exhaustion People with chronic fatigue syndrome often feel tired, even after getting extra shut-eye. They also may have insomnia, which can contribute to feelings of exhaustion and tiredness.
  • Loss of memory and concentration Stress and lack of sleep naturally can affect the ability to recall details and conversations, or to focus on a project or task. However, if the problem doesnt improve, it could be a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Painful joints and muscles After spending extended time gardening or raking leaves, the next morning you could wake up with joint stiffness and sore muscles. However, if the pain and swelling occur without a cause, your body may be fighting viruses that medical professionals believe cause chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Light sensitivity People with chronic fatigue syndrome can get headaches from artificial light, such as fluorescent bulbs, and continually must squint to shade their eyes.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes Chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers often have swollen lymph nodes as their bodies fight the different viruses that can cause the condition.
  • How To Spot Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Diagnosis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

    Chronic fatigue syndrome hould be diagnosed by a medical professional after other possible causes of similar signs and symptoms have been excluded. None of the signs and symptoms of CFS are specific for the condition. This means that there are many other conditions that can present with the same signs and symptoms. It is important to note that there are episodes of flareups and periods of no symptoms. Physical, mental and even emotional strain can be triggers for these episodes, during which the symptoms persist for 24 hours or longer.

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    Is There A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Test

    There is no available test or bio marker for the illness. And, what makes this disorder baffling is the severity, type and number of symptoms individuals suffer from.

    No single cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is known, and in fact it can be caused by multiple things, but it is likely that a trauma or several traumas of some description triggered it.

    For example, trauma can come from one or more of the following:

    • Hormone imbalance, such as adrenal fatigue.
    • Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia.
    • Immune system problems.
    • Viral infections, such as glandular fever.
    • Trauma from physical accidents.

    Stress Anxiety And Mental Health

    People with ME/CFS are more likely than the general population to have mood disorders, including anxiety and depression.

    Researchers are still investigating whether there is a biological mechanism at play, or whether the day-to-day challenges of living with ME/CFS and being unable to do normal activities lead to the increased risk for depression.

    Treatment for mental health conditions related to ME/CFS includes mindfulness and relaxation therapies, as well as medication to treat depression or anxiety.

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    When To Call A Doctor

    Its important to talk to your doctor about any symptoms you may have.

    • Severe fatigue that lasts longer than 2 weeks, causes you to limit your usual activities, and does not improve with rest.
    • Sleep problems that last for more than 1 to 2 months. These problems may include being unable to fall asleep or stay asleep, tossing and turning, and waking up feeling tired or not rested.
    • Swelling in the glands in your neck or armpits that lasts for at least 2 weeks.
    • Severe fatigue along with frequent urination , extreme thirst, weight loss, or blurred vision. Fatigue that occurs with some or all of these may be a symptom of undiagnosed diabetes.
    • Severe headache that does not improve with home treatments.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms

    Symptoms of CFS often mimic the flu. The following are the most common symptoms of CFS. However, each person may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

    • Sensitivity to light
    • Low-grade fever
    • Depression

    The symptoms of CFS may look like other medical conditions. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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