Thursday, April 18, 2024

What Deficiency Causes Extreme Fatigue

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Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Fatigue

Vitamin D Deficiency Signs & Symptoms (ex. Fatigue), Diagnosis, Treatment

Because fatigue has many causes, vitamin D deficiency is often overlooked as a possibility, even though fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of low vitamin D. Numerous studies have found that low blood levels of vitamin D can cause fatigue that has a severe negative effect on a patients quality of life. A study in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences found that low vitamin D levels were prevalent among people experiencing fatigue, and increasing their vitamin D intake helped improve or resolve their symptoms.

The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often subtle and easily mistaken for other disorders. In addition to fatigue, common symptoms include:

  • Bone, back, joint, and muscle pain
  • Bone loss or fractures

When Sleep Doesnt Help The Fatigue

Everyone feels tired from time to time. For most people, however, getting adequate sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly will help boost energy. Constant exhaustion and weakness even after resting could be a sign of an underlying health condition or imbalance. Fatigue is just one of the possible symptoms of a possible B12 deficiency.

How Is Vitamin D Deficiency Treated

The goals of treatment and prevention for vitamin D deficiency are the same: to reach and then maintain an adequate vitamin D level in your body.

While you might consider eating more foods containing vitamin D and getting more sunlight, your healthcare provider will likely recommend taking vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D comes in two forms: D2 and D3. D2 comes from plants. D3 comes from animals. You need a prescription to get D2. D3, however, is available over the counter. Your body more easily absorbs D3 than D2.

Work with your healthcare provider to find out if you need a vitamin supplement and how much to take, if needed.

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Eat Your Way To More Energy

Fatigue can be a symptom of many potential issues in addition to imbalanced nutrition, including stress, a lack of restful sleep, anemia, autoimmune conditions, sleep apnea, depression, and various other illnesses. Since there are many factors that can contribute to fatigue, it is important to check with your healthcare provider to evaluate your individual situation.

Often, addressing nutrient deficiencies and maintaining a balanced diet of real, whole foods can play a significant role in maintaining vibrant energy. While your first instinct may be to reach for another cup of caffeine or a sugary snack when fatigue sets in, there are more effective strategies to eat your way to more energy. Here are three of the top nutrient deficiencies to consider if you feel rundown and want to eat your way to more energy!

Potassium: Muscle Weakness Constipation Irregular Heart Rhythm And More

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Potassium helps your heart, nerves, and muscles work properly and also delivers nutrients to cells while removing waste, according to MedlinePlus. Plus, its a useful nutrient that helps offset sodiums negative impact on your blood pressure: Its important in maintaining a healthy blood pressure, Zive says.

You could become low in potassium in the short term because of diarrhea or vomiting excessive sweating antibiotics, laxatives, or diuretics excessive alcohol consumption or because of a chronic condition such as kidney disease, per the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms of a deficiency include muscle weakness, twitches, or cramps constipation tingling and numbness and an abnormal heart rhythm or palpitations, says MedlinePlus.

For natural potassium sources, try bananas, milk, acorn squash, lentils, and kidney beans and other legumes. Adult men need 3,400 mg each day, and women need 2,600 mg, according to the NIH.

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From Nutrient Deficiency To Healthy Eating

If you suspect you have a nutrient deficiency, talk to your doctor. Blood tests can help determine if you are deficient, Patton says. And if you are, your doctor can refer you to a registered dietitian or recommend supplements.

The best way to avoid or remedy nutrient deficiencies is to make sure you are eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, Patton says. I encourage food first, but if you are at an increased risk of a nutrient deficiency, you may benefit from taking a multivitamin, she says.

Those at risk include the elderly, individuals with restrictive diets , pregnant women, and those who dont consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, Zive says. Make sure to check with your doctor if you have questions about your risk.

Why Am I Tired No Matter How Much Sleep I Get

One Reason Why You May Always Be Sleepy: Hypersomnia If you’re otherwise healthy, but are always sleepy no matter how much sleep you get, you may have Hypersomnia. In short, hypersomnia is a chronic neurological condition that makes you tired no matter how much sleep you get.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency | Hair Loss, Fatigue And Anxiety | My Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

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What Are The Possible Complications Of Vitamin D Deficiency

The most serious complications of vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Low blood calcium levels .
  • Low blood phosphate levels .

All of these conditions are treatable. While rickets is a treatable and often curable disease, treating it as soon as possible is important. When not treated, milder cases of rickets can result in long-term bone damage that can keep bones from growing properly. Severe cases that arent treated can lead to seizures, heart damage and death.

The good news is that thanks to vitamin D-fortified infant formula and fortified cows milk, rickets is very uncommon in the United States.

Are You Tired Of Feeling Tired

VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY | Hair Loss, Fatigue and Anxiety | My Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Youre working really hard. And theres no question that your killer work ethic is draining some of your energy. But before you pass off your afternoon fatigue as that 2:30 feeling, remember that its not something you just have to live with.

Its likely that you need to examine the food you consume for the proper nutrients. With the processed foods available to you today, its no wonder that youre not getting the foods you need to produce energy. Nutrient-dense foods, nutritional herbs and supplements, and holistic treatments like acupuncture can boost your energy and overall mood. Conquer your day without feeling so exhausted.

At Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, we specialize in identifying the root cause of your fatigue. Schedule a free consultation to learn how we uncover nutrient deficiencies with lab testing. We’ll create a plan to address them with you. This may include acupuncture, herbs and supplements, injection therapy, and a nutritional plan to support you in reaching optimal health and energy.


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When Is The Best Time To Take Iron Supplements

You want to make sure you take your iron separately from calcium-rich foods such as dairy products. In contrast, vitamin C helps with iron absorption. Typically, iron is recommended to be eaten separately from food in order to optimize absorption. That said, if you experience nausea with iron supplements, you can take them with food that doesnt contain calcium.

Is It Possible That I Have Pots And Was Incorrectly Diagnosed

This is entirely possible. Given how common POTS symptoms are and how unfamiliar many doctors are with this condition, diagnostic mishaps happen. POTS is frequently misidentified as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, anxiety disorder, ADHD, irritable bowel syndrome, myositis, etc. It is also possible that you have both POTS and one of these conditions, which may complicate the diagnosis. Sometimes people with POTS are told that its all in your head, implying that the cause of their symptoms is psychological. If you feel like something is physically wrong, dont hesitate to seek a second, and even a third or fourth opinion.

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How Can My Doctor Manage Fatigue

To find out what is causing your fatigue, your healthcare provider will ask questions about your lifestyle and medications and will conduct a physical examination. They might order some lab tests to test blood and urine. If you are a woman of child-bearing age, your provider will probably order a pregnancy test.

To relieve fatigue, your provider will treat the condition or disorder thatâs causing it. Depending on your health, your treatment plan may include a combination of medication, exercise, or therapy. If youâre taking a medication that makes you feel exhausted, talk to your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of stopping the medication or trying another one.

When Is Fatigue Considered Extreme

Vitamin D Deficiency Fatigue. Are You a Sufferer?

There is no good criteria for assessing the level of fatigue it depends on the person. However, most people know when their tiredness is more than a lack of sleep. Some of my patients remember the exact day they got hit with fatigue so overwhelming that they knew something was wrong.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

POTS is a common condition affecting an estimated one to three million Americans. Researchers dont fully understand the causes of POTS, but it is more common in women than men and is more likely to develop in adolescents and young adults.

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Allergies Hay Fever And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, headache, itchiness, nasal congestion, and drainage

Allergic rhinitis is a common cause of chronic fatigue. But allergic rhinitis often can be easily treated and self-managed. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will assess your symptoms. The doctor will also find out, through a detailed history or testing, whether your allergies are triggered by pollens, insects , animal dander, molds and mildew, weather changes, or something else.

One way to reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis — including fatigue — is to take steps to avoid the offending allergen. In addition, proper medication can help with symptoms. Drugs that might help include:

  • Leukotriene modifiers
  • Mast cell stabilizers

Allergy shotsimmunotherapy — may help in severe cases. This treatment involves weekly shots of increasingly higher solutions of the offending allergens. Allergy shots take time to be effective and are usually administered over a period of 3 to 5 years.

Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Dizziness

Its certainly possible.

Lack of sleep can make you feel lightheaded or dizzy. Further, dizziness and balance issues are often symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Because we know that vitamin D impacts so many of our bodies functionsincluding our circadian rhythms which in turn help regulate sleepit makes sense that low vitamin D levels can lead to dizziness and related issues.

In addition, a number of studies have looked at the association of vitamin D on BPPV, the most common form of peripheral vertigo.

For example, one study published in Neurology set out to assess the effect of vitamin D and calcium supplementation in preventing recurrences of peripheral vertigo.

The multi-center, parallel, randomized control trial assigned patients to either the intervention group or the observation group. Those 348 patients in the intervention group with vitamin D levels under 20 ng/mL at baseline were intended to treat with vitamin D 400 IU and 500 mg of calcium carbonate twice daily for one year, while the remaining 445 patients in the same group with serum vitamin D levels equal or greater to 20 ng/mL were not asked to take supplements.

The observation group did not get their vitamin D levels tested and did not receive supplements.

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The Reason You Feel So Tired All The Time Could Be A Vitamin Deficiency And A Multivitamins Not Enough To Fix It

Itâs not surprising that nutrient deficiencies are fatigue causes, given that your bodys trillions of cells rely on vitamins and minerals to generate energy. What is surprising is that few doctors recognize the fact that fatigue is often an early symptom of multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Many health care providers also ignore the well-documented fact that lack of vitamins and minerals is a surprisingly common malady. This is true even in the developed world, where we are known as the over-fed but under-nourished.

Nutritional deficiencies are suprisingly common

Many Americans consume less than the minimum daily allowance of many essential vitamins and minerals. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2011, for example, found that even when including vitamin intake from supplements and fortified foods, 97% of Americans dont get enough potassium, 65% dont get enough vitamin K, 60% dont get enough vitamin E, 70% dont get enough vitamin D, and around 30% dont get enough vitamins A and C. Lack of vitamins and minerals slows energy production inside cells. Nutrient deficiencies are classic fatigue causes because they impair cellular energy production. This can result in excessive tiredness and lack of energy as well as many other symptoms. Hereâs a closer look at 3 of the most important nutrients related to fatigue:

1. B Vitamins

How to use B vitamin supplements for fatigue

2. Magnesium

How to take magnesium for fatigue

3. Antioxidants

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency

What are the symptoms of B-12 deficiency?

Severe lack of vitamin D in children causes rickets. Symptoms of rickets include:

  • Incorrect growth patterns due to bowed or bent bones.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Deformities in joints.

This is very rare. Children with a mild vitamin deficiency may just have weak, sore and/or painful muscles.

Lack of vitamin D isnt quite as obvious in adults. Signs and symptoms might include:

However, you may have no signs or symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

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What Are The Possible Causes Of Sudden Fatigue

Sudden onset of fatigue is associated with a number of lifestyle aspects and diseases. The causes of sudden fatigue are attributed to overworking, lack of sleep, sleep disorders, low blood sugar, iron-deficiency anemia, and other factors.

Sudden onset of fatigue is associated with a number of lifestyle aspects and diseases. The causes of sudden fatigue are attributed to overworking, lack of sleep, sleep disorders, low blood sugar, iron-deficiency anemia, and other factors.

With the kind of lifestyle we are leading today, fatigue and weakness seem to be common complaints for everyone. General weakness after a long tiring day is something that we can understand. But, what causes sudden fatigue? Is an underlying disease responsible for causing fatigue? Well, fatigue can be caused due to diseases, mental pressure, and many other reasons. The root causes of sudden and extreme fatigue are linked to physical and mental problems.

Could A Vitamin Or Mineral Deficiency Be Behind Your Fatigue

The world moves at a hectic pace these days. If you feel like you’re constantly running on empty, you’re not alone. Many people say that they just don’t have the energy they need to accomplish all they need to. Sometimes the cause of fatigue is obvious for example, getting over the flu or falling short on sleep. Sometimes a vitamin deficiency is part of the problem. It might be worth asking your doctor to check a few vitamin levels, such as the three we’ve listed below.

For more ways to combat fatigue, buy Boosting Your Energy, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency

Your body uses iron, a mineral, to make hemoglobin. This helps your blood carry oxygen throughout the body. If you arent getting enough iron, this can limit oxygen flow and anemia may develop.

If you show up at the doctors office looking pale, especially around the eyes, and complaining of constant chills and exhaustion, your doctor is likely to test for iron deficiency. Other symptoms include bruising, dry skin and a bloated feeling.

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Depression Anxiety And Fatigue

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Symptoms: Sadness feeling hopeless, worthless, and helpless fatigue

Sometimes, depression or anxiety is at the root of chronic fatigue. Depression affects twice as many women as men and often runs in families. It commonly begins between the ages of 15 and 30.

Postpartum depression can happen after the birth of a baby. Some people get seasonal affective disorder in the winter, with feelings of fatigue and sadness. Major depression is also one part of bipolar disorder.

With depression, you might be in a depressed mood most of the day. You may have little interest in normal activities. Along with feelings of fatigue, you may eat too much or too little, over- or under-sleep, feel hopeless and worthless, and have other serious symptoms.

  • Feeling “on alert” most of the time
  • Feeling of impending doom

If you are depressed or have regular symptoms of anxiety, talk to your doctor and get a physical exam. If there is no physical cause for the depression or anxiety, your doctor may talk with you about treatment options, and may refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for a psychological evaluation.

Although the specific causes of depression and/or anxiety are unclear, these are highly treatable medical problems. Medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two can help relieve symptoms.

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What Medical Conditions Cause Fatigue

Hundreds of conditions and disorders lead to fatigue. Some of the most common causes of fatigue include:

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