Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sudden Increase In Appetite And Fatigue

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What Else Causes Fatigue

Anxiety and Loss of Appetite

Some lifestyle habits can make you feel tired. Here are some things that may be draining your energy:

  • Staying up too late. A good night’s sleep is important to feeling refreshed and energetic. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
  • Having too much caffeine. Drinking caffeinated drinks like soda, tea, or coffee late in the day can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. Limit the amount of caffeine you have during the day and avoid it in the evening.
  • Drinking too much alcohol.Alcohol changes the way you think and act. It may also interact with your medicines.
  • Eating junk food. Say “no thanks” to food with empty calories, like fried foods and sweets, which have few nutrients and are high in fat and sugars. Choose nutritious foods to get the energy you need to do the things you enjoy.
  • Getting too little or too much exercise. Regular exercise can boost your energy levels, but dont overdo it.

Increased Appetite In Seniors: Is It A Cause For Concern

In senior years, a slight loss in appetite is normal. This happens for many reasons and may not be a cause for concern. Sometimes an elderly person may experience an increase in appetite associated with frequent hunger pangs even almost immediately after eating, resulting in weight gain. We at Extra Hand In-Home Care believe that although this may not be a cause for concern, it must be investigated because this can be a sign of some conditions.

How Do I Know When Its Time To Act

So, weve gone through what can cause loss of appetite and weight loss and why there are some big problems that can arise when we have either of these issues.


  • When there are other concerning symptoms. Are you nauseous or vomiting? Do you have a fever, diarrhea, constipation, ongoing fatigue? These symptoms can lead to dehydration, malnutrition and other serious issues if not addressed promptly.
  • When you cant identify a straightforward reason for loss of appetite or weight loss. Let your healthcare team work with you to figure out the cause. Getting to the root of the issue is critical.
  • When you can identify a reason for loss of appetite or weight loss and its not going to go away. or go away anytime soon. Maybe you have figured out you have a sore in your mouth or abdominal cramping that keeps you from eating. Has it been around for more than a day or two? Time to seek some help to get the situation under control.

Please note: you may think you have figured out the reason behind your appetite or weight loss. You may even be right. EVEN SO, if you have been struggling with the loss of appetite or unplanned weight loss for a while now.. seek help anyways!

Not only will your healthcare team be able to properly test and diagnose things, but they will be able to work with you to effectively and safely address the problem.

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When To Seek Emergency Treatment

Always contact your doctor right away if you begin to lose weight rapidly for no apparent reason.

Its also important to seek immediate medical help if your decreased appetite could be a result of depression, alcohol, or an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

Treatment for a decreased appetite will depend on its cause. If the cause is a bacterial or viral infection, you wont usually require specific treatment for the symptom, as your appetite will quickly return once your infection is cured.

Avoid Overeating When You Are Pregnant

Sudden Loss Of Appetite And Feeling Full

Most women develop a ravenous appetite during the second trimester of pregnancy , as the baby develops and demands more nourishment.

But keep in mind portion sizes. Although technically you are eating for two, your baby is a lot smaller than you are and too much weight gain during pregnancy can be detrimental.

The U.S. Institute of Medicine recommends a weight gain of no more than one pound per week during the second and third trimester of pregnancy or just half a pound if you are overweight or obese before pregnancy. Join the Pregnancy Support Group to chat with other women if you find your appetite is out of control.

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Hormones That Can Cause Your Fatigue Weight Gain And Mood Changes

Something we know for sure is this we all have hormones. These chemical messengers in your body are sent to your organs and tissues to perform a certain function. The communication that happens between your hormones and organs control major metabolic processes within your body, such as mood, energy, weight, temperature regulation and even digestion. An imbalance in these little guys are often what causes us to look at our health a little more closely, because its only until they are not working optimally that we remember we even have them.

Well discuss some of the most common hormone imbalances we see in our patients. Sometimes when you identify one hormone imbalance, you may find that it could be linked to another hormone imbalance, giving you the pieces of the puzzle you have been looking for!

1. Thyroid:

What you may experience with suboptimal thyroid:

  • Feeling tired and exhausted
  • Feelings of coldness in hands and feet
  • Thin/scanty eyebrows
  • Thinning, dry and brittle hair
  • Scattered brain

2. Cortisol:

What you may experience with an imbalance in cortisol:

  • Poor stress response

3. Insulin:

What you may experience when insulin resistance is present:

What Hormones Makes You Hungry

There are a few possibilities to consider, but note that the jury is still out on exactly how hormones, menopause, and appetite interact. So, as always, talk with your doc before making assumptions about your own situation.

  • Increased ghrelin, decreased leptin. In perimenopause, levels of the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin increase, a reason why many women find themselves frequently hungry during this phase. Levels of the hormone leptin, which promotes a sense of fullness, reduce throughout peri- and postmenopause.â
  • Increased cortisol. Persistent stress causes a lot of people to overeat â and often, to make some fairly poor choices of foods . So in perimenopause and menopause, when the cortisol-dampening effects of estrogen are diminished, stress-fueled appetite can increase.
  • . Like leptin, estrogen serves to dampen appetite. One form of estrogen, estradiol, helps regulate metabolism and body weight. As estrogen declines in perimenopause and menopause, appetite ramps up.
  • Poor sleep. During perimenopause and menopause, hormone weirdness can impact your sleep . Insufficient sleep can further elevate sensations of hunger.
  • So, since hormonal changes in midlife are inevitable â if they havenât happened sooner â are we stuck struggling to manage our appetite and weight?

    Not necessarily.

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    Could Your Meds Be Making You Hungry

    In a cruel twist of fate, many drugs that are used to treat conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure can also cause weight gain.

    Weight gain may also associated with birth control pills, corticosteroids like prednisone, and certain mood medicines like Abilify, Clozaril, Depakote, Paxil, Prozac, Seroquel, or Zyprexa.

    DO NOT STOP taking your medicines because of this side effect. Talk with your doctor about monitoring your weight from the moment you start taking any of these medicines. And remember: eat a healthy diet and exercise, too.

    Controlling Menopause And Food Cravings

    NEWTON Homeopathics – Appetite~Craving Control
  • Eat more fiber. Since women in midlife frequently experience constipation, this isnât a bad idea anyway. And since fiber can make you feel fuller longer, it may help curb your appetite.
  • Eat enough protein. Our protein needs may be less than in previous years, but itâs still important to get enough. Protein helps us feel satisfied, which obviously dampens our enthusiasm for snacking.
  • Load up on veggies. Low-calorie, high-fiber, nutrient-dense veggies are ideal for those looking to maintain a healthy weight. Theyâll fill you up for a lot fewer calories, and the fiber may benefit your gut biome, further helping with weight management.
  • As Gloria A. Richard-Davis, MD, FACOG, NCMP wrote for the North American Menopause Society, âlearn to cope without food.â A lot of us turn to the reliable pleasure and comfort of food under stress, but taking a break to walk the dog or indulge in some non-edible self-care may be a far better option.
  • Move more. Exercise alone doesnât do a lot for weight loss, if thatâs your goal, but its benefits for heart, lungs, brain, and mood are inarguable. Keeping and building muscle after 40 is essential. Mix it up with cardio and strength training to get the biggest boost, and donât ignore the benefits and feel-good qualities of really good stretching. Exercise can increase appetite, of course just make sure you refuel with the right foods.
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    Make Sleep A Priority

    Getting enough sleep helps boost a persons energy levels throughout the day. Sleep requirements vary from person to person, but most adults need 79 hours per night. People may be able to improve the quality of their sleep by:

    • sticking to a regular sleep schedule
    • developing and maintaining a relaxing bedtime routine, which may involve reading or having a hot bath
    • ensuring a relaxing sleep environment that is dark, quiet, and cool
    • avoiding caffeine and other stimulants close to bedtime

    Maintaining A Healthy Weight In Menopause

    When it comes to weight, it’s a jungle out there. Lots of folks want you to believe they have the answer, so be sure to do your research and talk to your doc before making radical changes or introducing new supplements or “diet aids” to your daily routine.

    As our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Rebecca, says, “Research into all of these hormones and neurotransmitters is still at the basic and translation science stage. We donât know what it means clinically, so while it may be nice to understand to an extent how they may impact menopause and the experience of menopause, no practitioner can alter or ‘treat’ these things. If someone is selling you something to do that, they are selling snake oil â the science is, unfortunately, still years away. The only take away is to reduce your stress as best you can “

    Whatever the role hormones have to play in appetite, one thing thatâs quite common is the difficulty of losing weight once gained in menopause.

    That may be because of our slowed metabolism, it may be due to menopausal fatigue, stress, the effects of night sweats and restless leg syndrome on our ability to get a decent nightâs sleep.

    All of which is to say: Be aware that maintaining a healthy weight in midlife may require different strategies and be patient with yourself.

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    What Can I Do At Home To Treat A Loss Of Appetite

    You can treat a loss of appetite at home by:

    • Eating regular meals: These meals can be smaller than normal. Try to eat small meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, even if youre not hungry.
    • Consume liquid meals: If youre not feeling well, consuming your daily amount of calories via a liquid meal may be easier to keep down. Choose liquid meals like soup broths, fruit juices or sports drinks with electrolytes. Follow your healthcare providers instructions for a liquid meal.
    • Eating bland foods: Bland foods are usually soft and low in fiber. They dont include spicy or fried foods. Bland foods include dairy products, unseasoned meat, vegetables or potatoes, breads and crackers. These types of foods wont irritate your stomach.
    • Choose foods high in protein, vitamins and minerals: Foods high in protein, vitamins and minerals can help replace any nutrients that youre missing quickly.
    • Schedule meals with family or friends: Having a support system during meals can help encourage you to eat the nutrients your body needs.

    You Have A Medical Condition

    Extreme Fatigue And No Appetite

    Frequent hunger may be a symptom of disease.

    First, frequent hunger is a classic sign of diabetes. It occurs as a result of extremely high blood sugar levels and is typically accompanied by other symptoms, including excessive thirst, weight loss, and fatigue .

    Hyperthyroidism, a condition characterized by an overactive thyroid, is also associated with increased hunger. This is because it causes excess production of thyroid hormones, which are known to promote appetite (

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    How Can I Stimulate My Salivary Glands Naturally

    Chewing and sucking help stimulate saliva flow. Try: Ice cubes or sugar-free ice pops. Sugar-free hard candy or sugarless gum that contains xylitol.These products may also help:

  • Artificial saliva products to help you produce more saliva.
  • Toothpastes and mouthwashes specially made for dry mouth.
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    What Are Specific Causes Of Loss Of Appetite In Older Adults

    Loss of appetite tends to occur more frequently as you get older. According to a study published in Nursing Older People, loss of appetite affects an estimated 15% to 30% of older adults. Older populations most commonly affected by appetite loss include women, nursing home residents, and hospital patients.

    Other causes of appetite loss in older adults include:

    • Acute and chronic illnesses
    • Cognitive problems, including Alzheimers disease
    • Lower metabolism and energy levels
    • Reduced hormone levels and hormone response
    • A diminished sense of taste and smell
    • Oral health problems, including tooth decay and gum disease
    • Lower saliva production

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    Food Cravings Before That Time Of The Month

    Almost three out of four women experience premenstrual syndrome during their childbearing years. Food cravings and an increased appetite can be a sign of PMS in addition to feeling bloated or having gas pains, and experiencing breast tenderness, irritability and tiredness.

    If you are a woman and find you get hungry only during certain times of the month, you may be experiencing PMS. Exercise and a healthy diet can help relieve symptoms. See a doctor if your PMS affects your quality of life or does not go away with self-help measures.

    Your Diet Lacks Fiber

    Can Stress Cause Weight Loss Or Gain? What Actually Happens.

    If your diet lacks fiber, you may feel hungry frequently.

    Consuming lots of high fiber foods helps keep hunger well managed. High fiber foods slow your stomachs emptying rate and take longer to digest than low fiber foods (

    , 29).

    Many different foods, such as oatmeal, flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, oranges, and Brussels sprouts, are excellent sources of soluble fiber.

    Not only does a high fiber diet help reduce hunger, but its also associated with several other health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity .

    To ensure youre getting enough fiber, opt for a diet thats rich in whole, plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.


    If your diet lacks fiber, you may find that you are always hungry. This is because fiber plays a role in reducing your appetite and keeping you full.

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    Abdominal Pain And Bloating

    Stomach bloating, distention, cramps or pain in the abdominal or bowel region can be symptoms of colon or rectal cancer. These are common issues that can also be caused by a number of conditions, including diet-related gastrointestinal distress, Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis. See your doctor if you experience frequent abdominal pain and bloating that does not have an obvious cause.

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    Possible Reasons For A Sudden Increase In Appetite

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    Its no surprise that our appetite changes during certain phases of life but every now and then, you may notice that your stomach turns into a black hole for no apparent reason. What gives?

    For the record, an increased appetite can mean feeling hungrier than normal, feeling hungry more often, or feeling hungry even after youve eaten, according to Danielle McAvoy, M.S.P.H, R.D., a dietitian with Strong Home Gym. One-off events such as overeating or doing an extra tough workout are likely to affect your appetite for the following day, but if your appetites been in overdrive for more than a few days, something else might be up.

    Here are six potential reasons why your appetite increased out of the blue, plus when your constant stomach grumbles warrant a visit to the doctor.

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    Vaccine Effectiveness & Omicron

    Expert studies have shown that the risk of severe illness from Covid-19 is reduced by 90 percent or more among people who are fully vaccinated.

    While there are breakthrough cases of Covid among people who are vaccinated, they are rare.

    In the event of a breakthrough case, victims are highly unlikely to be hospitalized with severe or deadly symptoms from the virus.

    Health officials have advised that the Omicron variant is more infectious and could lead to further breakthrough cases.

    Yet the spread can be offset by all vaccinated Americans receiving a booster shot.

    Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant.

    With other variants, like Delta, vaccines have remained effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death.

    Studies have also shown that side effects from the vaccine are extremely rare.

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    Causes That Could Explain Your Loss Of Appetite

    Yoga Therapy for Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
    Reviewed by:
    Dr Rhianna McClymont, Lead GP at Livi

    Need to speak to a GP today?

    Having a healthy appetite is an essential part of life it increases our desire to eat and allows us to get the right amount of nutrients we need to stay healthy.

    So, how does our appetite work? When were hungry, the body recognises our need for food and sends a signal like a rumbling stomach to the brain to eat. Hormones play a key role in regulating your bodys appetite. Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, stimulates your appetite, and leptin tells your brain when youve eaten enough.

    Many factors can affect the regulation of these hormones and can interfere with our appetite drive, explains Dr Rhianna McClymont, Lead GP at Livi. Most of us experience loss of appetite at one point or another whether its because of environmental factors, medication or psychological or physical conditions.

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