Lack Of Enough Sleep / Poor Quality Sleep
Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep per night, but most adults don’t get this amount. Try sticking to a sleep schedule, even on weekends, by going to bed at the same time every night and waking up around the same time every morning.
The environment in which you sleep is also important and can affect your sleep–it’s best to sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room without any pets, children or other distractions like phones or laptops.
Why Am I So Tired
You’ve tossed and turned for nights or, even worse, got a seemingly good night’s sleep, only to awake feeling sluggish and exhausted. Everyone goes through periods of fatigue. Life events and everyday stressors are often to blame. But when those occasional bouts become chronic and interfere with life, it’s time to consider the factors that could be contributing to the problem.
1. Lack of Sleep
Yes, we know this one falls under “master of the obvious.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , one in three Americans say they don’t get enough sleep. Experts recommend seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep for adults 18 and older.
So, how do you turn bedtime around?
- At least an hour before bed, put all devices away. The blue light they emit is like an alarm clock sent directly to your brain to “Wake up!” Set up an alarm on your device to remind yourself to turn it off!
- Keep a routine and go to bed at the same time each night. Again, set an alarm for yourself.
- Sleep in a darkened, cool room. We are programmed to wake up with light. So, if you don’t want to wake up with natural light, ensure that your windows are covered with black-out shades or whatever it takes to keep the room dark.
2. No Java Jolt
Anyone here drink a pot of coffee in the morning and then crash mid-day? You’ve just entered a vicious cycle of instant energy followed by an inevitable crash when caffeine’s effects begin to wear off.
3. Dehydration
4. Too Few Calories/Quality Calories
Fatigue Causes: #2poor Nutrition/digestion
Nutrition and digestive issues such as nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, blood sugar dysregulation, and excessive permeability in the lining of the intestines can all cause fatigue. Those suffering from fatigue are commonly eating a poor-quality diet .
In addition, fatigue sufferers have been found to have more digestive symptoms linked to altered intestinal bacteria and abnormal function of the intestinal lining compared to non-fatigued individuals. (Learn more about leaky gut syndrome here: 5 Top Reasons You Might Have Leaky Gut Syndrome and Feel Tired All the Time or Have Depression Symptoms.
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Doctors Recommend Getting A Blood Test For Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndome If You Have Experienced Fatigue For Longer Than:
There is no blood test for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndome. However, if you have experienced unexplained fatigue lasting longer than three months, you may want to see your doctor to rule out possible medical problems.myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome may be considered if you have experienced fatigue for longer than six months — especially if you have chronic pain or other common symptoms of ME/CFS. Diagnosis is usually based on an evaluation of the patient’s history and a thorough physical and mental examination that rules out other potential causes.
Where To Get Help
- Your doctor
- Wilson J, Morgan S, Magin P, et al. 2014, Fatigue a rational approach to investigation, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 457-461, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. More information here.
- Fatigue, 2013, MedlinePlus, US National Library of Medicine. More information here.
- Fatigue, Mayo Clinic, USA. More information here.
- Fatigue in the workplace, WorkSafe Victoria. More information here.
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How Is A Pots Diagnosis Made
Problems with the autonomic nervous system can be difficult to diagnose. The standard test for POTS is the tilt table test. During the test, you are secured to a table that tilts from being horizontal to almost a 90-degree angle. The test measures your hearts response to switching from laying down to standing up. Some people with POTS faint during this test, even if they rarely faint standing up.
Although the test seems straightforward, many things can interfere with it. Its important that a POTS specialist oversees it. Its best to work with a doctor who has diagnosed and treated patients with POTS. This could be a cardiologist, a neuromuscular specialist or another doctor.
Fatigue Caused By An Unhealthy Diet
The old adage you are what you eat is really true. By eating well-balanced meals and snacks that contain enough calories and nutrients, you give yourself sufficient energy to counteract extreme tiredness. Simply eating to stave off hunger during the day is not sufficient sugary and processed foods are counterproductive, and rob us of essential nutrients needed for energy production. Too many refined carbohydrates, such as bread, cause our blood sugar levels to spike and crash, leaving us exhausted. Make sure that your diet is made up of plenty of nutrient-rich foods such as whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Your body can function within a range of calories depending on your weight, height, age, and other factors. However, generally speaking, women should consume about 2,000 calories a day, and men 2,500 calories a day. Consuming less than 1,200 calories per day may cause your metabolism to slow down.
Conversely, if you eat too much, this can also cause fatigue. The key to healthy eating is therefore to choose certain foods that contain adequate nutrients and make sure you have meals and snacks in appropriate portions.
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What Is Pots And Why Does It Cause Fatigue
POTS is a group of symptoms resulting from dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. This branch of the nervous system regulates functions we dont consciously control like sweating and blood circulation.
In people with POTS, more blood collects in the lower body when standing upright. The heart beats faster to pump it up to the brain, but with little success. The causes of POTS are unknown, but the problem is thought to lie in the communication breakdown between the brain and the cardiovascular system.
POTS-related fatigue is physical in nature and the mechanism behind it is not fully understood. It may have several causes, including your body working harder to move the blood.
What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome , also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS, is a condition in which fatigue lasts six months or longer and is not related to other diseases or conditions. People with CFS experience symptoms that make it hard to do daily tasks like dressing or bathing. Along with severe fatigue that doesnt get better with rest, CFS symptoms can include problems with sleep, memory and concentrating, pain, dizziness, sore throat, and tender lymph nodes. Learn more about CFS.
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Over 10 Reasons For Men Feeling Tired All The Time
Here are some of the reasons why men are tired all the time:
1. Low Testosterone
Testosterone plays a major role in the body from maintaining sex drive, bone density and muscle mass among others. A drop in testosterone can lead to increase in body fat, decreased sex drive, sleep problems such as insomnia and decreased motivation. These symptoms collectively lead to chronic mental and physical fatigue as well as low energy. Tired all the time men are likely to be suffering from low testosterone and a visit to a health provider can be beneficial.
2. Thyroid Problems
Low levels of thyroid hormone can cause you to feel tired all the time due to low energy levels. This might be caused by an autoimmune illness where by your immune system attacks your thyroid. It is common in women, but it can also occur in men. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:
- Depression
- Cold sensitivity
- Fatigue
Hypothyroidism might also lead to low testosterone. Treating hypothyroidism will ease fatigue and stop other conditions like goiter, neuropathy and heart disease.
3. Sleep Problems
You might feel tired throughout because of inadequate sleep or poor quality sleep. Fatigue can also be caused by poor sleeping habits like working at night and sleeping during the day. In some cases, despite having enough time to sleep, you might have conditions that cause you not to have quality sleep like sleep apnea, sleep-disordered breathing and restless leg syndrome.
4. Exercise and Diet
5. Depression
7. Diabetes
Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue
According to the Institute of Medicine of National Academies in the US, ME/CFS affects 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans since 2015. For this reason, early prevention and treatment for chronic fatigue can avoid this disease. If youre experiencing some of these chronic fatigue symptoms, it may be best to visit your local hospital right away.
- Unending body, joint, and muscle pain for more than six months
- Extreme exhaustion even after short periods of exercise
- Restless leg syndrome
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Psychological Causes Of Fatigue
Studies suggest that psychological factors are present in at least 50 per cent of fatigue cases. These may include:
- Depression this illness is characterised by severe and prolonged feelings of sadness, dejection and hopelessness. People who are depressed commonly experience chronic fatigue.
- Anxiety and stress a person who is chronically anxious or stressed keeps their body in overdrive. The constant flooding of adrenaline exhausts the body, and fatigue sets in.
- Grief losing a loved one causes a wide range of emotions including shock, guilt, depression, despair and loneliness.
What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Scientists have been researching chronic fatigue syndrome for many years, but they still don’t know for sure what causes it.
Many doctors believe that the way some conditions interact within the body and mind might leave some people at risk for CFS. For example, if someone has a and is under a lot of stress, the combination of these two things might make them more likely to develop CFS.
These things are believed to interact with each other in this way, putting some people at risk for CFS:
- infections. Experts have wondered if infections like measles or Epstein-Barr virus might increase the risk for CFS. The role Epstein-Barr plays in CFS is not clear because studies have not confirmed it as a cause.
- problems with the immune system or the nervous system
- hormone imbalances
- emotional stress
- low blood pressure
Chronic fatigue syndrome can affect people of all ethnicities and ages, but it’s most common in people in their forties or fifties. It’s very rare in kids. A few teens do get CFS, and it affects more girls than guys.
Sometimes different people in the same family get CFS. This might be because the tendency to develop CFS is genetic, but more research is needed to see if this is true.
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How Will Your Doctor Treat Fatigue
Your doctors recommended treatment plan will depend on whats causing your fatigue. To make a diagnosis, they will likely ask you questions about:
- the nature of your fatigue, including when it started and whether it gets better or worse at certain times
- other symptoms that youve been experiencing
- other medical conditions that you have
- your lifestyle and sources of stress
- medications that youre taking
If your doctor suspects you have an underlying medical condition thats causing your fatigue, they may order some medical tests. For example, they may order blood or urine tests.
Shift Work Sleep Disorder
Shift work can wreak havoc on your body’s 24-hour internal clock, or circadian rhythm. When you work nights or rotate shifts, your body doesn’t know when to be awake and when to sleep, which causes fatigue.
Daylight is often a cue to be awake. If you must sleep during the day, try to make your sleeping area as dark, cool, and quiet as possible. If you must work at night, keep your workplace brightly lit. Try to work night shifts all in a row and avoid frequently rotating shifts. Stay away from caffeine, and stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule as much as possible on days off.
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Erratic Or Changing Sleep Patterns
Another common cause of fatigue is simply not getting enough sleep. Your teen may have lots of homework that keeps them up late during the week, and/or have to wake up early. On weekends they may go to bed even later and then not feel like getting up until noon on Saturday and Sunday.
These changes in sleep pattern, coupled with stress during the week, can lead to fatigue.
What Percentage Of Patients Complain To Their Primary Care Doctor About Fatigue That Interferes With Their Daily Lives
Fatigue is one of the most common complaints in medicine, accounting for an estimated 10 million doctor office visits each year.
Because fatigue is a common feature of everyday life but also a common symptom of so many different medical conditions, it can be difficult for doctors to properly assess and treat. In many cases, the most important medical response to persistent fatigue is to get tested for potential underlying physical or psychological medical conditions.
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What Should I Know About Fatigue
What is the Definition of Fatigue?
Fatigue is generally defined as a feeling of lack of energy and motivation that can be physical, mental or both. Fatigue is not the same as drowsiness, but the desire to sleep may accompany fatigue. Apathy is a feeling of indifference that may accompany fatigue or exist independently. In addition, individuals often describe fatigue using a variety of terms including weary, tired, exhausted, malaise, listless, lack of energy and feeling run down.
How Common is Fatigue?
Fatigue is common. About 20% of Americans claim to have fatigue intense enough to interfere with living a normal life. A physical cause has been estimated to be responsible 20% to 60% of the time, while emotional or mental causes comprise the other 40% to 80% of cases of fatigue. Unfortunately, fatigue can occur in normal individuals that experience intense physical or mental activity .
However, in contrast to fatigue that occurs with some diseases and syndromes, normal fatigue in healthy individuals is quickly relieved in a few hours to about a day when the physical or mental activity is reduced. Also, people occasionally experience fatigue after eating , which can be a normal response to food, especially after large meals and this may last about 30 minutes to several hours.
1. Have severe chronic fatigue for at least six months or longer with other known medical conditions excluded by clinical diagnosis and
When To See A Doctor For Your Fatigue
If youre still feeling tired all the time despite doing all you can to improve your diet, sleep and exercise habits, its time to see a doctor. Your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms and lifestyle and see if you have any other medical issues or are taking any medications. Your doctor may ask you to have various tests to see if you have another medical condition that is causing your extreme fatigue. If this is the case, you will get the answer to why you feel exhausted and be on your way to being treated and feeling better.
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Fatigue Linked To Health Problems
A 2008 study conducted by Columbia University found that adults aged 65 and older who suffered from fatigue were also more likely to suffer from joint problems, urinary incontinence, hearing problems, depression, and social isolation. While common, the researchers asserted that lack of energy and persistent fatigue should not be viewed as normal and can also be associated with heart disease, kidney problems, pulmonary issues, as well as arthritis and anemia.
How Can My Doctor Manage Fatigue
To find out what is causing your fatigue, your healthcare provider will ask questions about your lifestyle and medications and will conduct a physical examination. They might order some lab tests to test blood and urine. If you are a woman of child-bearing age, your provider will probably order a pregnancy test.
To relieve fatigue, your provider will treat the condition or disorder thatâs causing it. Depending on your health, your treatment plan may include a combination of medication, exercise, or therapy. If youâre taking a medication that makes you feel exhausted, talk to your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of stopping the medication or trying another one.
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Allergies And Chronic Fatigue
How are allergies one of the causes of chronic fatigue? According to doctors, celiac disease is the inability to digest gluten and leads to fatigue symptoms. These allergies can vary from food , allergens like pollution, pet fur, insects, and dust. If you feel that an underlying medical condition may come from the symptom of fatigue, avoid intolerance with allergens and other possible factors that trigger your allergies.
How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treated
There’s no known cure for chronic fatigue syndrome, but the symptoms can be treated. Experts suggest focusing on the most disruptive symptoms first, and working with a doctor to manage them:
- Post-exertional malaise. For someone whose symptoms get worse after even mild activity, experts suggest pacing their activities. This means planning for a balance of activity and rest based on what the person feels are their limits. This can be different from one person to the next. Someone with CFS should not be pushed to do more than they feel they can tolerate, as this can lead to a crash, or worsening of symptoms.
- Dizziness. People who get dizzy or feel weak or lightheaded when they sit up or stand might need to drink more fluids, use more salt in their foods, or wear support stockings.
- Sleep problems. Getting good sleep can help someone overcome CFS-related sleep problems.
- Problems with concentration and memory. Finding ways to keep track of important things can help with concentration or memory problems.
- Headaches and stomachaches. Gentle massage and heat may help some people with pain from CFS.
Doctors may also suggest over-the-counter or prescription medicines for some of these symptoms.
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