Tuesday, April 16, 2024

How To Treat Extreme Fatigue

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Consider Injections Instead Of Pills

How to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome FOREVER: #1 Tip to stop chronic fatigue forever

Sometimes the same drug can affect you in different ways depending on the method in which it is administered, Dr. Cohen says. Take methotrexate, for instance with pills you may have to use more medication to get the therapeutic dose because it has to pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract, she explains. Using an intramuscular injection often allows us to use less medication as it goes directly to your bloodstream. This may help lessen side effects such as fatigue for some patients. Read more common questions about methotrexate.

Also Check: Doctors Specializing In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Can Complementary Or Alternative Medicine Help Manage The Symptoms Of Me/cfs

Some people say that complementary or alternative medicine has helped their ME/CFS symptoms. Keep in mind that many alternative treatments, dietary supplements, and herbal remedies claim to cure ME/CFS, but some might do more harm than good. Talk to your doctor before trying alternative therapies to be sure they’re safe.

Can Boredom Cause Fatigue

Being bored can make you feel tired. That may sound strange, but its true. If you were very busy during your working years, you may feel lost about how to spend your time when you retire. When you wake up in the morning, you may see long days stretching before you with nothing planned. It doesnt have to be that way.

Engaging in social and productive activities that you enjoy, like volunteering in your community, may help maintain your well-being. Think about what interests you and what skills or knowledge you have to offer and look for places to volunteer. Read Participating in Activities You Enjoy for ways to find volunteer opportunities.

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Also Check: Chronic Fatigue And Brain Fog

Study Helps Explain Brain Fog In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A new study shows abnormal immune proteins in the spinal fluid of people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia were both met with skepticism from doctors in the past. But as fibromyalgia has gained mainstream acceptance, chronic fatigue syndrome , also called myalgic encephalomyelitis , has continued to meet with confusion and disbelief.

That researchers cant agree on a name for CFS shows just how little is known about a condition that affects at least 1 million Americans. Doctors dont know what causes the chronic exhaustion and cognitive impairment of CFS. The only medical treatments are antidepressants and sleeping pills.

Learn More About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome »

Dr. Mady Hornig, an associate professor of epidemiology at Columbia Universitys Mailman School of Public Health and her colleagues at the Chronic Fatigue Initiative are pushing hard to show that CFS is a real physical ailment.

Last month, Hornig that found a unique immune signature in the blood of CFS patients. That paper claimed to be the first to offer proof that CFS is a biological illness.

The more that we can demonstrate with objective evidence that theres something biologically different in the blood and in the brain in individuals with ME/CFS, the more advances we can make toward upending that entrenched and mistaken view of the illness, Hornig told Healthline.

An immune response in the brain could explain the cognitive impairment CFS patients call brain fog.

When Should I See My Gp

Chronic Fatigue5 Ways To Combat Extreme Fatigue

There are many potential causes of fatigue. Even before the pandemic, fatigue was one of the most common reasons to see a GP.

Most serious causes can be ruled out when your GP asks about your symptoms and examines you. Sometimes your GP will investigate further, perhaps by ordering blood tests.

Symptoms that should raise particular concern include fevers, unexplained weight loss, unusual bleeding or bruising, pain that wakes you from sleep, or drenching night sweats.

If your fatigue is getting worse rather than better, or you cannot care for yourself properly, you really should seek medical care.

Also Check: Clinique For Men Anti Fatigue Eye Gel

Build Peace And Relax

CFS can be debilitating both physically and mentally. Suffering from persistent exhaustion, reduced brain cognition, chronic muscle and joint pain, stress, and even guilt takes a toll on the body, and psyche.

Long-term stress control and relaxation must be a vital portion of any protocol used to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome. While seemingly impossible, its imperative that sufferers of CFS do their best to effectively manage stress, and rest.

The Power of Rest

Rest means more than just sleep. Dedicate one day per week when you dont have any responsibilities or commitments. Truly commit to a full day of rest. This gives your body and mind a much-needed respite helping to fight stress, anxiety and exhaustion. Its also important during the week, if you are having a particularly difficult day, to not overtax yourself.

While regular exercise supports wellness and helps to diminish stress, individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome need to exercise at a controlled intensity. High-intensity workouts can leave you drained for several days.

Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy has been shown to help with fatigue, mental clarity and depression in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. According to a study released in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, individuals with CFS were recommended to perform aerobic activities, at the clinic twice per month, in combination with at-home exercises for roughly 5-15 minutes in duration, five days per week.


What Are The Symptoms

Symptoms can vary with ME/CFS. If you have ME/CFS:

  • You feel exhausted all or much of the time. And it doesn’t get better with rest.
  • Your symptoms often flare up after a mental or physical activity that used to be no problem for you. There may be a day or two delay before it starts. And it may take days, weeks, or more to feel better.
  • You have problems sleeping. Or you may wake up feeling tired or not rested.
  • It may be harder for you to think clearly, concentrate, and remember things.
  • You may feel dizzy, weak, or in more pain when you have been standing or sitting upright for a long time.
  • You may also have headaches, muscle and joint pain, a sore throat, and tender glands in your neck or armpits.

Depression is common with ME/CFS, and it can make your other symptoms worse.

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Modifying Behavioural Components To Fatigue

Significant central fatigue warrants lifestyle changes, which may include rest periods and reduced workloads . However, the maintenance of physical activity is of paramount importance. The natural inclination of patients with central fatigue is to decrease physical activity. However, decreased physical activity over time will lead to cardiovascular and muscular deconditioning, which then makes physical activity even more difficult . Therefore, all patients need to be counselled with regard to maintaining an appropriate level of activity. In addition, an increase in activity should be attempted through the institution of a graded exercise program .

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a chronic illness characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for more than six months. This fatigue cannot be explained away by an underlying medical condition. In fact, one of the diseases principle challenges is that its impossible to diagnose with laboratory tests. However, some professionals believe it is closely related to adrenal fatigue or system wide inflammation of the body.

The process for diagnosis usually begins with ruling out possible underlying diseases and chronic conditions until the only choice left is chronic fatigue syndrome. Left untreated, it decreases stamina, memory and concentration.

Talking To Your Doctor Or Nurse

How I Cured Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

Prepare for your next appointment with your doctor or nurse by writing down questions that you want to ask.

Never be embarrassed to ask them to repeat and explain anything that you dont understand.

Your care and wellbeing is the doctors and nurses priority, so describe all of your symptoms to them. It can be difficult for anyone to understand how much fatigue can affect your life, and how distressing it can be, unless they have experienced it themselves. For this reason you may need to emphasise to your doctors and nurses the difficulties that it causes for you.

Discuss everyday actions that you find difficult, such as climbing stairs, cooking or bathing. If you have kept a fatigue diary you can bring it in to share with the health professionals looking after you.

It can often be difficult to discuss emotions, especially when you are ill, for fear of upsetting yourself and others. Try not to let embarrassment stop you discussing your emotions with your doctors and nurses. It may help if you take someone to the appointment with you. When you have fatigue it can be difficult to remember what the doctor or nurse has said and your relative or friend can help to fill in the gaps.

Specific questions you may like to ask:

  • What could be causing my fatigue?
  • What treatments may help me?
  • How can I cope with my fatigue?
  • What help is available?
  • How can I best support my relative who has fatigue?
  • What can I do to help reduce my fatigue?

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Is Pots More Common In Certain People

There are no established risk factors for POTS. However, it is known to run in families, so it could have a genetic component. Researchers have also established a link between POTS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome . So if you have one of these conditions, you might also have the other.

A big group of those diagnosed with POTS is young women and teens. However, this doesnt mean they are more likely to develop this condition.

Is It Sleepiness Or Fatigue

Sleepiness can occur when a person does not get enough good quality sleep, or when they have a lack of stimulation. It can also be a symptom of a health condition that interferes with sleep, such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome.

Sleepiness is more likely to be short-term than fatigue. It is usually treatable with regular and consistent sleep.

However, fatigue especially when it is chronic is often associated with a health condition or problem. It may also be its own chronic condition, called chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Fatigue is associated with many health conditions and lifestyle factors. The sections below will outline these in more detail.

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Coping With Fatigue At Work

You may find that you cant continue working due to fatigue, or that you have to reduce the amount of time that you spend at work. It can help to talk to your employer or personnel/human resources officer and let them know that you may need some time off due to your illness or its treatment.

Dont feel that you have to work if you are too tired, but if you do want to carry on working, you may be able to find ways of making your work less tiring for a while.

People with certain illnesses are protected by the Equality Act, which prevents employers victimising or discriminating against people with a disability. The Act also states that employers are expected to make reasonable adjustments to support employees in the workplace. You may want to make suggestions for adjustments that could help to support you. Things that your employer can do to help include:

  • changing your hours so that you can travel to and from work at less busy times
  • asking colleagues to be supportive and to help with some of your work
  • finding you a parking place near to your place of work
  • letting you take a short break every now and again to lie down and rest
  • allowing you to work from home, if possible
  • finding you lighter work if your job involves physical exertion or heavy lifting

If you are self-employed, it can help to talk to the Department for Work and Pensions about benefits that you may be entitled to claim.

How To Cope With Fatigue

8 Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Managing fatigue requires a well-rounded approach. This may entail changes to your medication regimen, trying supplements in addition to your medication, managing stress and mental health, and making other healthy lifestyle changes.We asked doctors and chronic illness patients for their best tips on coping with chronic fatigue and exhaustion.

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How Is Cfs Treated

Theres currently no specific cure for CFS.

Each person has different symptoms and therefore may require different types of treatment to manage the disorder and relieve their symptoms.

Work with your team of healthcare providers to create the best treatment plan for you. They can go over the possible benefits and side effects of the therapies with you.

Viral Or Bacterial Infection And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, head or body aches.

Fatigue can be a symptom of infections ranging from the flu to HIV. If you have an infection, you’ll probably have other symptoms like fever, head or body aches, shortness of breath, or appetite loss.

Infections that may cause fatigue include:

Treating the infection often relieves your fatigue. But some infections, including mononucleosis and COVID-19, can lead to long-lasting tiredness.

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Fatigue And Autoimmune Disease

For many people with autoimmune disease, fatigue is the most debilitating symptom. The fatigue from an autoimmune disease differs from the tiredness most people feel after long periods of work or exercise or when they havent slept well. Its a feeling of exhaustion all the time that interferes with the ability to function.

Fatigue can be frustrating. Its not something that your doctor can measure or test for. Its not evident to others, but it is very real for you. The reasons for fatigue are not entirely understood, although inflammation may explain some of it. Pain, poor sleep, inactivity, and depressed mood can also contribute to fatigue.

If you get tired, its not a sign of weakness. Dont try to push through it. Pay attention to your body, and pace yourself. Individuals will need to develop their own strategies for managing their energy level to accomplish daily tasks.

Here are some strategies that may help with fatigue:Take it easy. Dont try to do too much. If you get tired, take a nap or do something restful like reading, listening to music, meditating, or a creative activity. Schedule rest breaks throughout the day if that helps.

Plan ahead. If you have limited energy, choose the most important activities. If you have a busy day ahead, make plans the night before to make the day go easier. If you are going to attend a function and are concerned about your energy level, set aside time before and after to rest.

Heart Disease And Fatigue

How To Treat And Prevent Mental Exhaustion

Symptoms: Fatigue from an activity that should be easy

If youââ¬â¢re exhausted after an activity that used to be easy — for example, walking up the steps — it may be time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. If your fatigue is related to your heart, medication or treatments can usually help correct the problem, cut the fatigue, and restore your energy.

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Rule Out Health Problems

Fatigue is a common symptom of many illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, anemia, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor if you feel unusually tired.

Many medications can contribute to fatigue. These include some blood pressure medicines, antihistamines, diuretics, and other drugs. If you begin to experience fatigue after starting a new medication, tell your doctor.

How To Treat Pcos And Fatigue

How to treat PCOS and fatigue is something that physicians and scientists have been working on for years. And lucky for many women with PCOS and fatigue, PCOS fatigue treatments fight more than just one PCOS symptom. Generally, if youre taking any scientifically-backed PCOS treatment, you should be combatting your PCOS fatigue exhaustion. PCOS exhaustion results from other PCOS symptoms such as insulin resistance, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, sleep apnea, and more.

One of the best ways to beat PCOS fatigue is taking a PCOS supplement daily, including inositol. Taking inositol for PCOS has been scientifically proven to help women with PCOS symptoms. Women with PCOS who take inositol experience:

  • Reduced insulin resistance
  • Reduced androgen levels
  • Increased ovulation frequency and improved egg and embryo quality
  • Reduced metabolic syndrome
  • Regular menstrual cycles
  • Reduced HbA1c levels
  • An all-natural supplement like Elan Healthcares Ovofolic for PCOS is one of the best PCOS fatigue treatments out there because it helps cut the head off the PCOS dragon. Ovofolic tackles the worst symptoms of PCOS so women can start living their lives symptom-free, including no more PCOS fatigue exhaustion. The best part is, Ovofolic comes in both 2 gram sachets and a bulk powder in jar form for your convenience.

    Fight PCOS and fatigue with one daily supplement and get back to living!

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    Ways To Get Your Energy Back

    Running on fumes? Here’s how to stop feeling so tired all the time.

    Youâre only as old as you feel, the saying goes. But what if you feel old, tired, and rundown?

    Fatigue is a common complaint, especially after people hit middle age. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways to boost energy. Some even slow the aging process.

    Hereâs how to refill your tank when your energy levels sputter.

    Change The Things You Can

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    No doubt, when an illness barges into your life unannounced and takes up residence, it can leave you feeling angry, defeated, and powerless. For me, there came a point, though, where those feelings needed to take a back seat to a more constructive focus on the things I could change. For example, I could be a mom. I could take tai chi, and I could pursue a new career in writing. These are things I find enjoyable, fulfilling, and, best of all, my mother-in-law finds them quite agreeable too!

    If one thing has become clear over my journey with this illness, its that we are all called to make the best of our living situations. Who knows? One day I might wake up and my metaphorical roommate may have found herself other accommodations. But, safe to say, Im not holding my breath. For today, Im happy to make the best of it and take the lessons as they come. How do you deal with chronic fatigue syndrome? Share your experiences with me!

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