Monday, April 22, 2024

How Does Depression Cause Fatigue

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Why You Might Be Tired All The Time

The 6 Signs of High Functioning Depression | Kati Morton

Before you see a GP, you may want to work out how you became tired in the first place.

It can be helpful to think about:

  • parts of your life, such as work and family, that might be particularly tiring
  • any events that may have triggered your tiredness, such as bereavement or a relationship break-up
  • how your lifestyle may be making you tired

A GP will look at the following causes of tiredness:

  • psychological causes

Psychological causes of tiredness are much more common than physical causes.

Most psychological causes lead to poor sleep or insomnia, both of which cause daytime tiredness.

Psychological causes include:

Depression Affects Your Ability To Sleep

Many people struggling with depression have trouble falling asleep and sleeping through the night. Research tells us that about 80% of people with depression suffer from insomnia. This results in a lot of restless and non-restorative nights.

Plus, depression often comes with menacing behaviors that disrupt sleep. Such as, taking naps during the day, staying in bed or on the couch for long periods, and not being physically active. Which will make falling asleep at night even harder.

However, lack of sleep is not the only cause of tiredness. Have you ever slept past your usual hours and woke up feeling low energy? Oversleeping is also a common pattern in depression and can cause signs of fatigue over time.

What Is On The Horizon For The Treatment Of Residual Fatigue

Dr. Fava: Ongoing studies are currently evaluating some antidepressant medications that, in theory, may be much less likely to cause fatigue as a side effect, such as the triple uptake inhibitors and SNRIs with more prominent noradrenergic effects, as well as adjunctive treatments to minimize residual fatigue, such as norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors .13

It is important to note that residual fatigue is not limited to patients with depression and that many drugs we use to treat other mental and medical conditions can induce fatigue well. For instance, we often see fatigue affect patients with schizophrenia that further compounds the apathy and negative symptoms that are core to that illness. Many of the medications we use for neurological conditions can cause symptoms of fatigue as well and that also exacerbates the existing condition for these patients. So, I would say that the topic of fatigue extends beyond depression and will become an important focus of assessment, treatment, and drug development in the next few years.

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Why Does Anxiety Cause Chronic Fatigue

Living with anxiety, regardless of the specific type within the spectrum of anxiety disorders, can be utterly exhausting. Anxiety churns so much energy on worry and fear, constantly elevating the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. This leads to physical and mental fatigue.

When the body is in the fight or flight mode it activates the stress response. This is how human beings are hardwired, fulfilling an innate survival instinct in response to a perceived threat. Someone struggling with an anxiety disorder can experience this stress response over and over in a given day, depleting the bodys energy reserves and resulting in the state of fatigue.

Fatigue And Depression: When Is Tiredness A Warning Sign

Can Depression Cause Fatigue And Shortness Of Breath

3 Minute Read

Sleep is an important part of overall health, but for many, it does not come easily. Millions of Americans report feeling fatigue a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion.

Many different factors, ranging from poor sleep to health conditions, can cause fatigue. Its also a common symptom of mental health conditions, such as depression.

Being fatigued doesnt mean youre depressed, but fatigue can be a warning sign. Learn more about the link between the conditions.

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Youre Lacking In Vitamin D

If youve got a job that keeps you indoors most of the day, chances are you may be part of the 42 percent of Americans with a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is created by your body when sunlight hits the skin and is found in fatty fishes like salmon and tuna, eggs, and mushrooms.

Most people associate low vitamin D with wintertime and seasonal depression, but it can hit at any time of year. A thorough review of studies analyzing depression and vitamin D concluded that lower vitamin D levels were found in people with depression compared to controls.

Scientists also found that when depressed individuals received vitamin D supplementation for one year, they had significant improvements in symptoms of depression compared with depressed people taking a placebo. The area of the brain associated with depression is also a site of vitamin D receptors, posing one possible explanation for the link between the two.

What Is Samhsas National Helpline

SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Also visit the online treatment locator.

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Dehydration And Inadequate Nutrition

Staying hydrated and getting proper nutrition is important for keeping your energy levels up. Research shows that a lack of fluid intake is associated with increased sleeplessness, fatigue, and irritability.

Not getting enough calories in your diet can also leave you feeling tired all the time, as can eating too many refined carbohydrates or not getting enough protein. Allergies to foods such as wheat, peanuts, or dairy may also contribute to tiredness.

Dealing With Depression Fatigue

3 Signs That Most Depressed People Have

1. Improve the quality of your sleep

Having a restful nights sleep alleviates symptoms of depression and fatigue and helps you function better. Adopting sleep hygiene practices such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding alcohol and other stimulants before bedtime, and limiting screen time in the evening will improve the quality of your sleep significantly.

2. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise promotes good sleeping patterns and reduces fatigue associated with depression. According to research, 20 minutes of low to moderate-intensity exercise daily increases energy levels and reduces fatigue. The U.S physical activity guidelines recommend that adults perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to remain alert and active.

3. Speak to a doctor

While numerous strategies for dealing with depression-related fatigue exist, speaking to a doctor as soon as possible is the best. The doctors professional diagnosis lets you access the right treatment plan and avoid potential complications.

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If You Suffer From Fatigue Anxiety Depression Or A Combination Of The Three Youve Probably Been Told By Your Doctor That Its Due To A Chemical Imbalance In Your Brain

Many doctors jump to prescribe antidepressants, with 13 percent of Americans over the age of 12 reporting they took an antidepressant in the last month, according to the latest report from the National Center for Health Statistics. In some cases, antidepressants might be beneficial, but in other cases they may be masking the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Unfortunately, most doctors dont dig deep enough to find out what may be the real cause. At Parsley Health, we use advanced testing to look at several variables that have been associated with anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Once we determine the root cause and develop a personalized treatment plan, were often able to reduce or eliminate the need for medications that treat these conditions.

How Would You Describe Fatigue Associated With Pots

People with POTS experience fatigue differently. Many describe it as feeling beyond exhausted. Its as if your energy is completely depleted. The fatigue is probably hundreds of times worse than your worst flu. People with POTS may also have trouble concentrating and thinking straight. Doing simple tasks may feel like youve just run a marathon.

This fatigue might come and go, hitting you without warning daily, weekly or less frequently. For some people, extreme fatigue lasts for days. Others may experience periodic attacks. It can come on at any moment even if you just woke up. And there is no amount of sleep or coffee that can make it go away.

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Healthy Sleep Habits Are An Excellent Way To Alleviate Depression And Fatigue There Are Plenty Of Ways You Can Do That:

  • limit screen time before bed
  • avoid alcohol and caffeine close to bedtime
  • exercise regularly
  • limit your naps during the day
  • wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day
  • create a comfortable, sleep-promoting environment in your bedroom
  • eat a healthy, balanced diet

Exercise it seems like the answer to any question about improving your health. While it may require a little more motivation to exercise when you suffer from depression fatigue, its something you definitely want to practice.

Were not saying you need to hit the CrossFit gym and take up marathon running. In fact, research has shown that just 20 minutes of low to moderate-intensity exercise helps to relieve fatigue and depression.

There are some excellent low to moderate-intensity exercises you can do that include movement and deep breathing, which can help relieve depression.

What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

Why Does Depression Make You Feel So Tired?

SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

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Its Harder To Exercise When Youre Depressed

Exercise is a great source of energy, but feelings of depression might make it harder for you to want to work out on a regular basis. Depression can cause you to experience a lack of motivation in many aspects of life, and this can channel into a lack of desire to exercise.

But dont think that this lack of exercise is because of laziness. This couldnt be further from the truth!

Summoning the motivation to exercise is already hard enough. But feelings like reduced self-esteem and pessimism are specific depressive attitudes that research suggests may be interfering with your exercise.

Its completely understandable that you might not be working out as much as you used to or would like to. Recognizing that these thought patterns are a result of depression means youre better equipped to deal with the challenge of motivating yourself to exercise.

Am I Depressed Or Just Tired

Fatigue is so common in todays population that it can almost be described as a normal effect of adult life. Over 60% of American adults state that they feel tired at least some of the time .

So how can you tell whether your tiredness is caused by depression, or something else?

Only a doctor or a mental health therapist can tell you whether or not you meet the criteria for a depression diagnosis. They can also complete a full medical evaluation to rule out any other health condition that could be contributing to your fatigue. If you are experiencing tiredness that doesnt go away, then talk to your medical provider about what could be going on.

When fatigue is caused by depression, people generally experience the other symptoms of depression as well.

On top of fatigue, the other main symptoms of depression are:

  • Low, empty, or irritable mood almost all the time
  • Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Difficulties with concentration and focus
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Changes in appetite, which can cause weight loss or gain
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Its best to talk to your medical provider about what the root of your fatigue could be. At The Center A Place of HOPE, our admissions team also completes a full assessment to get a picture of your overall health.

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What Causes ‘your’ Fatigue

Many physical and mental illnesses, as well as lifestyle factors, can cause your fatigue, and that can make it hard to diagnose. In some cases, it might be something simple and easy to fix, like having caffeine at bedtime. But other causes, like heart disease or COPD, are serious, and you may need to start long-term treatment right away.

Your doctor can help you sift through your health issues, as well as diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits, in order to zero in on the cause and help you on the road to recovery.

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About Upmc Western Behavioral Health

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital is the hub of UPMC Behavioral Health, a network of community-based programs providing specialized mental health and addiction care for children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, compassionate care to people of all ages with mental health conditions. UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital is a nationally recognized leader in mental health clinical care, research, and education. It is one of the nations foremost university-based psychiatric care facilities through its integration with the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. We are here to help at every stage of your care and recovery.


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Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Shift work can wreak havoc on your bodys 24-hour internal clock, or circadian rhythm. When you work nights or rotate shifts, your body doesnt know when to be awake and when to sleep, which causes fatigue.

Daylight is often a cue to be awake. If you must sleep during the day, try to make your sleeping area as dark, cool, and quiet as possible. If you must work at night, keep your workplace brightly lit. Try to work night shifts all in a row and avoid frequently rotating shifts. Stay away from caffeine, and stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule as much as possible on days off.

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Where And When To Seek Help

Who can diagnose depression and related fatigue? Dr. Miller suggests a range of practitioners: a psychologist, mental health therapist, nurse practitioner, or physician.

If you suspect you have depression or fatigue caused by depression, when is the best time to approach such a professional?

If your symptoms are mild, do not impair your work or home life, or adversely affect your health, and you do not think about , you could wait a week or two before visiting a professional, Dr. Gelenberg writes. But more serious symptoms need immediate attention.

Have symptoms affected your functioning for days at a time, and are your low mood and fatigue greater than they used to be? These are signs that its time for action, Dr. Miller adds.

In this time of staff shortages and COVID-induced backlogs, medical offices and mental health practitioners can be hard to reach. If you sense symptoms of depression and related fatigue, practitioners advise trying for an appointment quickly and not giving up. Calling often may be necessary.

At a visit, describe your symptoms and note how long theyve persisted. Also, as much as possible, describe how much they have changed from whats normal for you. If youre vague, you may hear, Lets keep an eye on it, Dr. Miller says. Its hard to do when youre not feeling well, but give them as much data as you can.

The important things are to recognize symptoms early and to ask for help: As she says, This is a very treatable condition.

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The Role Of Diet And Exercise In Managing Chronic Fatigue And Anxiety

Restoring overall health through diet and regular exercise is an essential aspect of managing anxiety. In addition to sticking with a healthy Mediterranean diet, there are actually certain foods that can help quell feelings of anxiety fatigue, including:

  • Salmon and other fatty fish

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Allergies Hay Fever And Fatigue

Why Stress Causes Fatigue And How To Overcome Stress The

Symptoms: Fatigue, headache, itchiness, nasal congestion, and drainage

Allergic rhinitis is a common cause of chronic fatigue. But allergic rhinitis often can be easily treated and self-managed. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will assess your symptoms. The doctor will also find out, through a detailed history or testing, whether your allergies are triggered by pollens, insects , animal dander, molds and mildew, weather changes, or something else.

One way to reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis — including fatigue — is to take steps to avoid the offending allergen. In addition, proper medication can help with symptoms. Drugs that might help include:

  • Leukotriene modifiers
  • Mast cell stabilizers

Allergy shotsimmunotherapy — may help in severe cases. This treatment involves weekly shots of increasingly higher solutions of the offending allergens. Allergy shots take time to be effective and are usually administered over a period of 3 to 5 years.

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How Can My Doctor Manage Fatigue

To find out what is causing your fatigue, your healthcare provider will ask questions about your lifestyle and medications and will conduct a physical examination. They might order some lab tests to test blood and urine. If you are a woman of child-bearing age, your provider will probably order a pregnancy test.

To relieve fatigue, your provider will treat the condition or disorder thatâs causing it. Depending on your health, your treatment plan may include a combination of medication, exercise, or therapy. If youâre taking a medication that makes you feel exhausted, talk to your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of stopping the medication or trying another one.

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