Sunday, April 14, 2024

Homeopathy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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How I Finally Found My Solution

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

I was very intrigued. But ultimately, I just needed to find a way to beat this war that was happening in my body. Because it was obvious. They were winning.

These sticky biofilms, which had constructed barricades around my body and all around my organs, were literally draining the life force from me, causing more and more symptoms each day.

I finally came across something natural showing promise at breaking down biofilms. In fact, our body naturally produces them for almost every biochemical process it goes through.

These are enzymes.

Every day we require several hundred different enzymes for just about every chemical action the body performs.

But the problem is, dissolving biofilms are a huge job, and many people simply dont produce enough of these specific enzymes to keep biofilms in check. And with Americas sugar-based diet and obsession with antibiotics, this problem gets magnified.

These all-natural enzymes can work quickly to break-down layers of biofilm to finally expose these harmful bugs.

I started experimenting. I learned of a certain combination of enzymes showing the most promise at breaking down biofilm in the body. I decided to try them on myself. Biofilm-degrading enzymes from Lysobacter gummosus. Anke Gökçen, 1 Andreas Vilcinskas, 2014 PubMed

In fact, these exact enzymes have also long been used for their anti-aging and blood-cleansing properties for centuries.

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P.P.S. Remember, I personally guarantee for a full 60-days, by following the 3 simple steps Youll be feeling the difference with newfound energy and vigor, youll be witness to your all-over-body aches vaporizing and a renewed mental sharpness and clarity will naturally emerge as a result of flushing out all the gunk that has plagued your body for way too long.

All Between The Ears Homeopathy And Experimental Treatments For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Quacks. When I think of quacks I think of homeopaths. But it seems that homeopaths have it easier in Belgium than Dr Coucke. Homeopathic products can be sold as medicine by pharmacists and their costs are partly covered by the major health insurance companies. How is this tolerance toward homeopathy consistent with the suspicion towards Dr Coucke, and other doctors who believe CFS may be caused by physical aspects?

Dr Couckes hypothesis may not be the most plausible one at this moment, and his therapies are experimental, but they still seem different from the homeopathic products or treatments that not only havent been proven to work, but have been shown to be extremely unlikely to work. This is not the case for the treatments provided by Dr. Coucke and his like-minded colleagues.

Perhaps it is the fact that homeopathic products can be used independently of medical doctors which makes the difference. Rules for what medical doctors can prescribe must be more strict because medical doctors have special responsibilities which providers of homeopathy lack. But it is not clear that this justifies the different responses. After all, many other products that can have a significant impact on peoples health are strictly regulated, like food.


Cleare A.J. The HPA axis and the genesis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 15 : 55-59.

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    My First Biofilm Protocol For Fatigue

    I really had nothing to lose at this point. So I organized my research on enzymes, and soon began my very first biofilm protocol.

    I quickly realized these enzymes were hard at work, breaking down many years worth of biofilm barriers within my gut, sinuses and my other organs.

    I knew because I could actually see this slimy biofilm leaving my body out my nose and stool. Yes, it is gross, but if youve been this sick for long enough, its kind of exciting to see something like this happening.

    One of the first things I experienced was my sinuses slowly began clearing. Much later, I learned a sinus infection is actually a biofilm issue.

    In these first couple weeks, I noticed I wasnt as tired or drained. I had more stamina, and the neck and muscle soreness wasnt as constant.

    It wasnt until later, that I refined my approach. I began avoiding certain trigger foods and introducing specialized probiotics to my daily regimen.

    This meal regimen was to help kill off any resilient bugs the specialized probiotics helped restore my gut microbiome with friendly colonies.

    Homeopathy Medicines For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Pin on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

    Kali Phos:

    Kali Phos is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic remedy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome where the slightest mental or physical exertion leads to extreme fatigue. For such persons, even a little work seems to be a very huge task. Extreme prostration, weakness and tired feeling ensue from a little exertion. The person feels worn out as if all the energy has been drained out. Apart from lassitude and exhaustion, the person also complains of weak memory. Forgetfulness accompanies a weak and impaired memory. Forgetfulness is noticeable while speaking or writing. A stressed mind and worries accompanying Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are also effectively cured by Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos.


    Sleepiness throughout the day with disabling fatigue. Along with drowsiness and fatigue, heaviness in head may also be felt.

    Dizziness and vertigo due to extreme fatigue and a tired feeling. Muscle weakness and pain also show their impact in such patients. The muscle pain is mostly present in neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. The patient may also experience trembling and weakness in limbs.

    Arsenic Album:-

    Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customized Homeopathy treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome.

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    What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    A variety of studies shows that viruses are responsible for Chronic fatigue syndrome as it follows the form of acute infections although not in the affirmative. In recent times, abnormalities in neuroendocrine function have been suspected to be responsible for impaired energy and mood of patients. The prominence of depression in two-third of its patients made some tag Chronic fatigue syndrome as a psychiatric disorder primarily.

    Post Viral Syndrome / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    listed in homeopathy, originally published in issue 267 January 2021

    In my early twenties I suffered with a nasty virus that left me feeling so debilitated that I was unable to work for a while. I recall falling asleep during a conversation taking place about 7pm and being totally unable to control this overwhelming sense of tiredness and fatigue and complete indifference to anything going on around me. I was not one to take to my bed easily and do not ever remember being diagnosed with anything other than a virus and its resulting exhaustion. My GP signed me off work and told to rest until I felt well enough to return. As I write this I wonder if the extreme tiredness and malaise that I experienced was in fact what is now known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome did not gain recognition until 1988 and along with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is classified as disorders of the nervous system. Its umbrella term is ME/CFS. Other descriptions that were used were Yuppy Flu and TATT .

    The symptoms of ME included, amongst others, sore throat, tenderness of the lymph nodes and pain. In 1970 it was concluded that ME was more psychological in nature, especially as the incidence seemed to affect females more than males. A report by Dr Ramsay in 2002 recognises that it is not psychological.

    Homeopathy may have been born in 1810 with the introduction of Samuel Hahnemanns Organon of the Healing Art but it is still going strong today.


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    Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    The treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome may require a different homeopathic medicine than the four listed above. Homeopathy UK says Kali phosphoricum is one of the most widely used remedies for CFS. Otherwise known as potassium phosphate, Kali phos may help improve chronic fatigue symptoms that can arise after recovering from the flu.

    Another homeopathic option for CFS is Mercurius solubilis. Merc sol is usually used when persistent sore throat with enlarged lymph nodes in the neck manifests. Deep muscle pain and sleeplessness are also symptoms that may be improved with merc sol.

    For ongoing weakness and exhaustion caused by persistent diarrhea, theres the acid-based remedies such as phosphoric acid. Picric acid may be appropriate for twitching and trembling in the lower limbs as well as extreme muscle weakness.

    One more homeopathic remedy for fatigue is Zincum metallicum. As the name implies, its derived from the mineral zinc. Dispensed for overstimulated nervous systems, the remedy is used for brain fog, weak memory, restless legs and depression.

    As you can see, there is some overlapping with the symptoms that the myriad homeopathic remedies treat. This is why, for best results, its best to receive homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.

    What Are Causes/ Contributory Factors Behind It

    What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS, SEID)? A Doctor Explains

    The exact cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not clear, but various factors have been linked to it though not confirmed. These contributory factors include:

    1. Viral infection

    2. Dysfunction of immune system

    3. Genetic predisposition toward Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    4. Hormonal imbalance: Imbalance of hormones produced by pituitary glands, adrenal glands is suspected

    5. Stress: It may include either mental stress or physical stress as caused by some injury or surgery

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    Homeopathy Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of homeopathic medicine chronic fatigue syndrome is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach.

    This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.

    The aim of homeopathic medicine chronic fatigue syndrome is not only to treat chronic fatigue syndrome but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat chronic fatigue syndrome that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.

    For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome:

    Acetic acid, Anacardium, Ambra gresia, Arsenic album, Ferrum met, Cimicifuga, coca, Coffea, Cocculus, sulphur, Phosphorous, Zincum met, Natrum mur, Phosphoric acid, Alumina, Camphora, Carbo veg, Stannum met, Coca, Muratic acid, Naja, Picric acid, Selenium, Secale cor, Tarantula, Formica rufa, Iodium, Cocculus ind, Acetic acid, China, Nux vomica, Chelidonium, Arnica, Psorinum and many other medicines.

    Baptisia weak feeling as if recovering from an illness no desire to do anything parts rested on feel very painful.

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    Allopathic Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    • Treatment is based on those therapies that reduce the symptoms.
    • Drug therapies are used to treat symptoms of sleep, pain, and psychological problems.
    • Some have usedAdderall .
    • Other therapies that are used includestress reduction and lifestyle changes .
    • Some suggestdiet and nutrition play a role and recommend vitamin D, B6, B12, lysine, and glutathione

    Homeopathic Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


    Homeopathy treatment from Welling Clinics can have a very good scope in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Homeopathic medication when selected properly can help the patient get relief in many of his complaints like malaise, pain, etc.

    In a long run, homeopathy can reduce the discomfort and difficulties encountered in day to day activities better thus improving the quality of life of the patient

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    Ignatia For Managing Depression

    Ignatia is a prominent natural homeopathic remedy to deal with depression in chronic fatigue syndrome. It is best suited when there is sadness along with weeping spells. Consolation worsens the complaint. Next there may be desire to remain alone, aversion to meet people and go out of home. At times there are mood swings.

    When and How to use Ignatia?

    This medicine can be given to persons who feel sad and depressed from CFS. This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice a day.

    Complications Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Complications of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be cognitive impairment and many other symptoms. For example, a symptom could be feeling excessive pain. A person with this complication would have very little time enjoy a healthy lifestyle. However, many of the complications are not life-threatening they can be treated which is great news for those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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    Complementary And Alternative Therapies

    Eating a healthy diet, and using herbs and homeopathic remedies as recommended, may help reduce the debilitating symptoms of CFS, and may improve overall energy. Counseling, support groups, meditation, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation are stress management techniques that may help as well.


    • Save your energy. Your doctor may suggest that you slow down and pace yourself, so that you do not overdo it one day and pay for it the next. The goal is to maintain a steady, moderate amount of activity that includes regular exercise.
    • Get regular exercise. Your doctor may suggest that you see a physical therapist to create an appropriate exercise program. At least one study shows that people with CFS who exercise have fewer symptoms than those who do not exercise.
    • Reduce stress. Stress can make CFS symptoms worse. Guided meditation or deep breathing may help you relax. Studies show Qigong, in particular, helps reduce symptoms of fatigue and poor mental functioning.

    Nutrition and Supplements

    Avoid refined foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and saturated fats. Eat more fresh vegetables, legumes, whole grains, protein, and essential fatty acids found in nuts, seeds, and cold-water fish.


    The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. However, herbs can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, take herbs only under the supervision of a health care provider.


    What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Is homeopathy effective in chronic diseases?- Dr. Aradhana Chitra

    Chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition of unknown cause, characterized by severe, sometimes disabling fatigue and many other symptoms that affect different organ systems.

    Many people in the population suffer from fatigue at some time, and approximately 25% of patients seen by primary care physicians have fatigue that has lasted longer than a month.

    However, only very less percentage of people meet the criteria used to define the chronic fatigue syndrome.

    It is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis. Here myalgic refers to muscle pain and encephalomyelitis means inflammation of brain and spinal cord.

    It is characterized by overwhelming fatigue that interferes with routine work. The persistent fatigue is unrelated to exertion and also not relieved by rest.

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    There Are Some Tips On How To Manage The Post

    Nourish have a healthy and balanced diet. Dont eat big meals. Increase your fluid intake. Eating live can help you live healthier, happier, and longer.

    Rest balance activity with regular rests. Keep both, physical and cognitive activities moderate to low, as they both use energy. But, that does not mean in any way to become a couch potato.

    Positivity have a positive mindset. Listen to your favorite relaxing music, do some breathing techniques, stretching or yoga, and some meditation sessions. If something doesnt work for you, try something else until you find something that does.

    Time give your body enough time for a full recovery. You should take it slowly and give time to time, essentially it means that some things cannot be hurried, and sufficient time must be given to ensure its implementation. Same to the healing process, everyone is different.

    And, definitely not the least one, take your homeopathic remedy that suits better what you experience!

    Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    • Most common symptom is abnormal exhaustion after any form of exertion lasting more than 24 hours and worsening of other symptoms.
    • Un refreshing sleep- makes patient wake up tired even after period of rest and experience excessive daytime sleepiness
    • Widespreadmuscle and joint pain,

    Other common symptoms include the following:

    • difficulty maintaining an upright position, dizziness, balance problems or fainting
    • allergiesor sensitivities to foods, odors, chemicals, medications, or noise
    • irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrheaand nausea
    • chillsand night sweats
    • visual disturbances
    • Depression or mood problems (irritability, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks

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    Homoeopathic Remedies For Fatigue

    Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

    Nearly everyone struggles with being overtired or overworked from time to time. Such instances of temporary fatigue usually have an identifiable cause and a likely remedy.

    Chronic fatigue, on the other hand, lasts longer and is more profound. It’s a nearly constant state of weariness that develops over time and diminishes your energy and mental capacity. Fatigue at this level impacts your emotional and psychological well-being, too.

    Fatigue isn’t the same thing as sleepiness, although it’s often accompanied by a desire to sleep and a lack of motivation to do anything else.

    Causes- Most of the time fatigue can be traced to one or more of your habits or routines, particularly lack of exercise. It’s also commonly related to depression. On occasion, fatigue is a symptom of other underlying conditions that require medical treatment.

    Lifestyle factors

    Taking an honest inventory of things that might be responsible for your fatigue is often the first step toward relief. Fatigue may be related to:

    · Use of alcohol or drugs

    · Excess physical activity

    · Medications, such as antihistamines, cough medicines

    · Unhealthy eating habits



    COCA 30-Coca is prescribed when fatigue occurs from journey and travelling, especially during hot weather.

    GINSENG Q– Ginseng is a specific remedy for general fatigue.

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