Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Constant Headaches And Fatigue Everyday

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The Types Of Chronic Daily Headaches

Migraines are MORE Than a Headache

There are five types of chronic daily headaches, according to Dr. Soni. They are:

  • Chronic migraines.
  • Hemicrania continua.

Chronic migraines

Chronic migraines are similar to episodic migraines, Dr. Soni says. We know migraines are a genetic disorder that involves the dysregulation of neurotransmitters, inflammation and excitable electrical activity in the brain.

While migraines are generally an episodic disorder meaning youll have a migraine headache followed by periods where you have no pain its possible for them to transition to chronic migraines. There are epidemiological studies that claim that episodic migraines become chronic for about 2.5% of migraine patients each year, Dr. Soni notes. Its just kind of the natural course of the disease.

Another potential cause for the transition, she says, are lifestyle factors. For instance, the overuse of either prescription or over-the-counter headache medications can lead to whats known as a medication overuse headache. As your body adapts to the constant use of these medications to manage the pain, the headaches become more frequent and more severe, developing into an almost daily occurrence.

Dr. Soni also says that some research indicates there might be a genetic predisposition for developing chronic migraines, but that cause isnt as well understood yet.

Chronic tension-type headache

Chronic post-traumatic headache

New daily persistent headache

Hemicrania continua

Blood Clots And Vascular Disease

Blood clots that form in or near the brain called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST, can also cause chronic headaches. These blood clots can cause increased intracranial pressure which in turn causes a headache that is constant and gets progressively worse as the pressure in the skull rises.

Other vascular diseases such as giant cell arteritis and severe arterial hypertension can also cause chronic headaches. But with vascular disease, the headaches typically get gradually and progressively worse. In some cases, however, people can develop a sudden excruciating headache called a thunderclap headache.

Constant Headaches And Nausea

Constant headaches, when accompanied by nausea, may not be a good indicator for your health. Both the signs are common, but if they are a constant occurrence then it might affect your health badly. Read more to know about the possible causes behind these problems.

Constant headaches, when accompanied by nausea, may not be a good indicator for your health. Both the signs are common, but if they are a constant occurrence then it might affect your health badly. Read more to know about the possible causes behind these problems.

Statistics say

In most cases, headache and nausea may go hand-in-hand. Further, these two conditions have a close connection, as headaches could lead to nausea, and vice versa. To start off, nausea is a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort in the stomach and head. It is coupled with a strong urge to vomit. It is not a sickness, but a symptom of several conditions.

Talking about headaches, there are different types of headaches which have a variety of causes and conditions. Headaches normally involve mild or severe pain in different parts of the head, including the back of the neck. Normally, headaches could occur due to minor reasons, though at times, they may be indicative of a major health problem.

Causes of Constant Headaches and Nausea

Now, there are umpteen reasons for this condition and the causes can be difficult to pinpoint. Take a look at the reasons for constant headache and nausea.

Common Causes

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Persistent Leg Pain On One Side May Be A Blood Clot

Swelling and pain in one leg that doesn’t go away may signal that you have a blood clot inside a vein, known as deep vein thrombosis . These signs should be tended to at once, particularly if youre at higher risk for DVT. Risk factors that make DVT blood clots more likely get riskier with age. These include smoking, having surgery, being on estrogen-containing pills or hormone therapy, being immobile for a long period of time , being pregnant, and recently giving birth. A life-threatening pulmonary embolism can occur when a blood clot moves from one part of your body to your lungs and blocks a vital artery there. According to Dr. Simmons, about 70 percent of blood clots that travel to the lungs begin in the legs.

How Common Are Headaches In Children And Adolescents

Headaches and migraines are common in people with fibromyalgia and ...

Headaches are common in children and adolescents. Among children ages 5 to 17 years of age, 20% have reported getting headaches. The most common types of headaches in this age group are tension headaches and migraine . Many parents worry that their childs headache is the sign of a brain tumor or serious medical condition. However, less than 3% of headaches are the result of these conditions. Many headaches in children and adolescents are the result of stress and lifestyle issues.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

Moles That Bleed Or Change Are Red Flags

Having moles isnt inherently a problem, but moles that bleed or change form are red flags, says Daniel Aires, MD, JD, dermatologist with the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. The rule of thumb is to follow the ABCDE of your mole:

  • Asymmetric appearance
  • Diameter larger than a pencil eraser
  • Evolving size, color, and shape

The American Academy of Dermatology says these are warning signs of possible melanoma.

If there’s a history of skin cancer in your family, watch your moles even more closely. Routine evaluations can help find potential problems. If you have a concern about a mole, it may be wise to take a photo of it every six months to make it easier to notice changes over time.

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What Triggers Headaches And Migraines

Common triggers of tension headaches or migraines include:

  • Alcohol use.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are the most severe type of primary headache. Cluster headaches come in a group or cluster, usually in the spring or fall. They occur one to eight times per day during a cluster period, which may last two weeks to three months. The headaches may disappear completely for months or years, only to recur later. The pain of a cluster headache is:

  • Intense with a burning or stabbing sensation.
  • Located behind one of your eyes or in the eye region, without changing sides.
  • Throbbing or constant.

New daily persistent headaches

New daily persistent headaches come on suddenly and last for more than three months. They typically occur in people who werent having frequent headaches before. The pain of NDPH is:

  • Constant and persistent without easing up.
  • Located on both sides of the head.
  • Not responsive to medications.

Sinus headaches

Sinus headaches are the result of a sinus infection, which causes congestion and inflammation in the sinuses . People, and even healthcare providers, often mistake migraines for sinus headaches. Symptoms of sinus headaches include:

  • Bad taste in mouth.
  • Pain that gets worse with sudden head movement or straining.
  • Mucus discharge .

Medication overuse headaches

  • Headaches becoming more frequent.
  • More days with headaches than without.
  • Pain thats worse in the morning.

Headaches in children

How Do Doctors Determine If My Childs Headaches Indicate A Serious Health Problem


First, your doctor reviews the childs headache history. Your doctor will ask how often the headaches occur, how long they last, and any signs and symptoms that occur before, during, or after the headaches. Your doctor will also perform physical and neurological exams to look for signs of an illness that may be causing the headache.

Tests your doctor may order include a MRI scan and a MRA scan . Both imaging tests show the tissues and arteries in the brain. Skull X-rays are not helpful. Unless the child has lost consciousness while having headaches or a seizure is suspected, an EEG is not needed. If a patient arrives at a hospitals emergency room, a CT scan is often ordered.

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A Simple Test To See If You Have Orthostatic Hypotension

A simple way to check to see if your lightheadedness, fatigue, mental fogginess or headaches are from low blood pressure to the brain is to increase the blood pressure to the brain. You can do this simply by increasing the salt in your diet. Salt has a magical property called osmotic pressure that pulls fluid into the blood vessels.

More fluid in blood vessels makes it easier for your heart and blood vessels to provide the proper amount of pressure and blood flow to the brain. Proper blood flow to the brain will allow the brain to function better and should result in a decrease or disappearance of your symptoms if they are due to poor blood flow.

With all the talk by the health officials about the necessity of eating a low-salt diet, you might be concerned with increasing your salt intake. Dont worry, its not dangerous for a few weeks. Only persons with uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart failure or kidney disease should talk with their physician before adding salt to their diet.

Follow these instructions to see if your symptoms are from low blood flow to the brain:

  • Purchase several cans of chicken stock from the market. Chicken stock is full of salt . Be sure not to buy the Low Sodium brands.
  • Drink a cup of chicken stock in the morning and around midday. This will give you body enough extra blood volume to improve the blood flow to your brain.
  • Within a few days, you should notice a significant improvement in your symptoms.
  • How To Repair Your Blood Pressure System

    If your symptoms improved after adding the salt to your diet, youll now need to repair the neurological blood pressure mechanism to your brain. This is done by reducing the number of carbohydrates youre consuming on a daily basis. Follow these instructions:

  • Continue drinking the chicken broth for about 2-3 more weeks after you have reduced the carbohydrates in your diet . You can switch to other salty foods instead of drinking only chicken stock over these few weeks. Tomato juice has a lot of salt in it as do pickles, salsa, sardines, greek olives and beef broth. Some patients will pour about a 1/4 teaspoon of salt in the palm of their hand and swallow it plain along with some water to wash it down. For convenience, some patients will take a Top Ramen oriental noodle cup to work and drink only the broth from it.
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. It seems switching to higher fiber carbs such as whole grain bread, brown rice or fruit doesnt help your blood pressure mechanism to repair itself if your total carb intake is still above 100 grams per day. You need to get the total carb count down.
  • Within a few weeks, you will be able to stop the added salt because your blood pressure mechanism will of completely recovered. Your symptoms of low brain blood pressure should be gone for the most part without the need of the added salt in your diet.
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    The Relationship Between Fatigue And Headaches

    Fatigue is a common symptom in many diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, HIV, depression, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea.

    It’s also common for people who get frequent headaches. As researchers have looked into the connection between fatigue and headaches, they’ve uncovered a definite relationship.

    One study found fatigue in 70% of people with headaches, and another study found fatigue in 84% of those with chronic migraine.

    People with chronic fatigue syndrome, a medical condition characterized by fatigue lasting at least six months plus flu-like symptoms and cognitive dysfunction, also have a higher prevalence of migraine, with and without aura.

    Why You Might Have Daily Headaches

    Are you tired? Do you have a constant headache? You may be experiencing ...

    Doctors still dont know what exactly causes daily headache symptoms. Some possible causes include one or a combination of the following:

    • Trigeminal nerve activation. The trigeminal nerve is a major nerve thats found in your head and face. One of its functions is sending sensory information from the various structures and tissues in these areas to the brain. Activation of this nerve can lead to the symptoms of many types of headache.
    • Muscle tension. Tightening of the muscles of the head and neck can create tension and lead to headache pain.
    • Hormones. Changes in the levels of certain hormones, such as estrogen, are associated with the onset of some types of headache. For example, naturally occurring changes in estrogen levels likely play a role in the increased prevalence of migraine in women.
    • Genetics. Although more research is needed, experts believe that genetics can influence your susceptibility to certain types of headache, particularly migraine.

    Regardless of the exact mechanism, its known that headaches are often triggered by lifestyle or environmental factors. A few examples include:

    Experts currently believe that constant, or chronic, headaches result when an episodic headache disorder transforms into a chronic one. While the mechanisms behind this change are poorly understood, some risk factors for the transition from episodic to chronic headache include:

    • overuse of pain medication

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    What Is The Best Way To Manage Headaches In Children And Adolescents

    Suggestions for managing headaches include:

    • Educate yourself and your family. Read about your type of headache and its treatment.
    • Keep a headache diary. Bring the diary with you to your appointments.
    • Ask your doctor for written instructions about how to manage your headache.
    • Follow a regular schedule:
    • Dont skip meals, especially breakfast.
    • Get 8 hours of sleep nightly.
    • Exercise 30 to 60 minutes three times/week
    • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water/day`
  • Avoid your headache triggers. Common triggers include caffeinated foods and beverages , nitrates , tyramine . Also avoid MSG-containing foods including Doritos®, Ramen® noodles, other junk foods, and Oriental foods.
  • Reduce emotional and physical stress. Take time to relax and get away from stressful situations. Learn relaxation skills, such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation. If you sit for long periods of time, get up and stretch from time to time. Relax your jaw, neck, and shoulders. Talk to a friend, family member, religious professional or health care professional if your problems are causing you stress.
  • Go to school every day. Attendance IS A MUST!
  • Start non-drug measures as soon as the headache begins:
  • Rest in a cool, dark, quiet, comfortable place.
  • Use methods to relax and reduce stress.
  • Apply a cold compress to your head.
  • Don’t wait!! Take the highest allowable dose of recommended medication at the first sign of a severe headache.
  • Never miss a follow-up appointment with your doctor.
  • What May Cause Headache And Fatigue

    Fatigue and headache are shared symptoms of many conditions. Not all of these conditions are considered serious. However, some may require lifestyle changes or ongoing treatment.

    As you consider the reasons why you may be experiencing headache and fatigue, make sure to think about your lifestyle, including your sleeping patterns, diet, and any medications youre currently taking.

    Here are 16 conditions and other factors that could cause both headache and fatigue:

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    Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

    Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so its important to look out for signs and symptoms.


    Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea. Learn more about the best sleep positions and see if sleeping on your stomach is bad or not.

    Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. That’s because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

    Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

    But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:


    What Types Of Headaches Are Seen In Children And Adolescents

    What Is Post-Viral Fatigue, How To Detect It, And Ways To Manage Symptoms

    The International Headache Society lists more than 150 headache types. In general, headaches are broken down into four main categories:

    • Migraine.These are episodic severe headaches with sensitivity to light and noise followed by nausea and vomiting. Migraine can be hereditary. About 60% of people who have a migraine also have an immediate family member who have migraine.
    • Episodic tension , chronic daily headache, or chronic non-progressive headache. These headaches occur daily or a few times a month, but patients do not experience the symptoms of migraine listed above.
    • Mixed headache syndrome. These are a combination of migraine and chronic non-progressive headaches. Mixed headache syndrome is also called chronic migraine or transformed migraine. Patients with mixed headache syndrome have headaches more than 15 days/month.
    • Traction and inflammatory headaches. These headaches may be due to an illness or brain disorder for example, a brain tumor or bleeding within the

    Cleveland Clinic classifies headaches in children and adolescents by when the headaches start, how long they last, and how often they occur. The general categories of headaches are:

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